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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
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      Who: This workshop is available to everybody, including you! You don't have to be a member of Appliantology to join the fun.
      When: Saturday, March 15 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
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Would much appreciate the tech sheet for ARH664E if anyone has it. THanks!!

Posted (edited)

Wiring Diagrams start on page 49.

Electric Ranges
Models and Manufacturing Numbers
 AR2T661 P1130979N
AR2T661 P1130980N
AR2T661 P1142615N
AR2T662 P1130993N
AR2T662 P1167401S
AR2T662 P1167402S
ARH664 P1130981N
ARH664 P1130982N
ARH665 P1167403S
ARH665 P1167404S
ARH667 P1142632N
ARH667 P1142653N
ARR623 P1130983N
ARR623 P1142611N
ARR624 P1142625N
ARR624 P1142651N
ARR624 P1142679N
ARR624*1 P1142696N
ARR625 P1130960N
ARR625 P1130970N
ARR625 P1142610N
ARR626 P1142626N
ARR626 P1142655N
ARR626 P1142678N
ARR626 P1142680N
ARR626*1 P1142697N
ARR629 P1130961N
ARR629 P1130962N
ARR629 P1142616N
ARR630 P1142656N
ARR630 P1142681N
ARR630 P1143403N
ARR632 P1130977N
ARR632 P1130978W
ARR632 P1142617N
ARR633 P1130967N
ARR633 P1130968N
ARR633 P1130989N
ARR633 P1130992N
ARR633 P1157905S
ARR633 P1157908S
ARR633 P1157910S
ART660 P1130976N
ART660 P1167301S
ART660 P1167302S
ART661 P1142629N
ART661 P1142657N
ART663 P1142630N
ART663 P1142658N
CAR2T661 P1142621N
CARH664 P1142622N
CARH664 P1142647N
CARR629 P1142619N
CARR629 P1142623N
CARR629 P1142648N
CARR630 P1142627N
CARR630 P1142660N
CARR630 P1143437N
CARR630 P1143479N
CARR632 P1142620N
CARR632 P1142624N
CARR632 P1142649N
EHF30002 P1130943N
ESF31002 P1130988N
ESF31002 P1142609N
ESF31002 P1142642N
ESF32002 P1130944N
ESF33002 P1130945N
ESF33002 P1130969N
ESF33002 P1142612N
ESF33002 P1142643N
ESF33002 P1142699N
ESF34002 P1130946N
ESF34002 P1130955N
ESF34002 P1130956N
ESF34002 P1130957N
ESF34002 P1130963N
ESF34002 P1130964N
ESF34002 P1142613N
ESF34002 P1142644N
ESF34002 P1143401N
ESK3600 P1130947N
ESK37002 P1130948N
ESK37002 P1130949N
ESK37002 P1130958N
ESK37002 P1130959N
ESK37002 P1130965N
ESK37002 P1130966N
ESK37002 P1130971N
ESK37002 P1142618N
ESK37002 P1142645N
ESK37002 P1143402N
Edited by Samurai Appliance Repair Man
Added file to Downloads section.
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Much appreciated! You guys are the best!

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