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    • 08 June 2024 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
      We've got a treat for you this time: special guest presenter Aaron Wilson is returning for another round of business talk! This time, we'll be talking about...
      The Art of the Win: Communicating with and Serving the Customer while Making a Profit
      This time, it's gonna be all about the customer. How do you identify what kind of customer you're dealing with? How does the type of customer inform how you're going to communicate with them about things like the price of the repair, or complications, or their options for moving forward? What do you do when conflict arises, and how do you redirect that conflict into a solution that is good for both you and the customer?
      All these questions will be addressed as Aaron takes us through the DISC model for identifying and understanding different kinds of customers and their varying behaviors, inclinations, and responses. That understanding is key to navigating tricky situations and finding a path to complete satisfaction for the customer, and profit for you.
      We'll be going through a few graphics about the DISC model, so feel free to download them beforehand, take a look, and have some questions ready.
      A little about our guest, Aaron Wilson:
      Aaron has been in the appliance repair trade for almost 14 years, starting out by doing installations before moving on to bigger and better things. He worked for C&W Services as a Sub-Zero authorized servicer for a time and thereafter joined Mr. Appliance of Highland Park in the Dallas area, where he is currently the lead technician and field service manager. In addition, he has taught many classes on refrigeration repair and advanced diagnostics, during which time he also developed training material for the soft skills side of things, which he is delighted to share with you. He's also a certified graduate of the Master Samurai Tech Academy, so he knows his stuff!
      Also, follow this Calendar Event so you'll get notified of new posts here. Look for the "Follow" button either at the top of the topic on desktop or below the topic on mobile.
      Who: This workshop is only available to tech members at Appliantology.
      When: Saturday, June 8 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
      Click here to go to the forum topic with the registration link. If you're interested, register now. Arrive a couple minutes early to make sure your connection is working. Set a reminder for yourself for this workshop so you don’t miss it.  And check out past workshops here: https://appliantology.org/announcement/33-webinar-recordings-index-page/

Site Downtime Notice

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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  • Team Samurai

Just giving a heads up that the site will be down next Wednesday, November 19, beginning at 10am EST for a scheduled server upgrade. My tech guys are telling me that it will take about 4 to 6 hours to transfer everything over from our existing server to our bright and shiny new server.  While the site is down, you'll see some generic and unfriendly server message. When you see that, remember this message and try again later! :)


While the site is down, I'll post status updates to my Twitter feed and our Facebook page -- you should go ahead and follow/like now so you'll have the links to those pages.

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Protest_zpszcwdnwdd.gif Protest_zpszcwdnwdd.gif

Hell No!

We won't Go!

Hell No!

We won't Go!

Well shall overcome!

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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Make sure to get your manuals before the scheduled downtime! I know everyone here gets the tech sheet/manual before going on their service call.

It would be a shame to have to be in a pickle and need the tech sheet.

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but... but... the tech sheets are always on board the appliance... right?

I forgot to mention that is doing maintenance that same day. Just read the email. What a cawinkidink. ;)

Get those manuals while there hot!

Edited by applianceman97
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Yeeee haaaaa! Successful server upgrade. They were a little off their time estimation though. Haha. But what matters is we are back in bidness.

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  • Team Samurai

Whew! That was a trial by fire! 


Yeah, they grossly underestimated the amount of downtime. And still having problems with some of my other sites. But the main one, THIS one, is here and all seems to be working right.


It's been a long night and I have a full day of service calls tomorrow.


Hope I don't have to do this again for a long, frikkin time! 

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  • Team Samurai

Just a heads up-- looking around the forum, I noticed that it looks like we did lose some recent content. Some of the more recent posts made yesterday morning just before the upgrade were lost.  For example, Brother Durham and I both replied to Alamo's question in this topic but the replies are gone. 


Speed bumps, that's all.  This, too, shall pass. Rock on, mah bruvhas!  :dazzler:  :rocker:

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Just a heads up-- looking around the forum, I noticed that it looks like we did lose some recent content. Some of the more recent posts made yesterday morning just before the upgrade were lost. For example, Brother Durham and I both replied to Alamo's question in this topic but the replies are gone.

Speed bumps, that's all. This, too, shall pass. Rock on, mah bruvhas! :dazzler::rocker:

And I spent a lot of time responding to that post... Damn!

I missed my morning coffee responding to that post

I missed my normal morning.... uh... "body routine" responding to that post

I missed my deadline to claim the $25000 I won in the lottery while responding to that post.

Damn you Site Migration! Damn you all to hell!

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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Well at least we got a nice faster, shiny new site to enjoy... and I hope it kept my.... let me check.... oh no, it's gone!! I uploaded the only version of the "skeleton code" in existence for safekeeping then erased the source... and now it's gone!

That code unlocked the secret diagnostic mode found on every refrigerator made in the last 20 years or so. It even allowed you to get into diagnostic mode on fridges without boards or digital displays. It also provided you with an 85 percent correct repair procedure!... But it's gone...

Maybe I can remember it... ok.. Open and close the fresh food door three times... then open-close the freezer once.... Remove the toe grill and lower the left side support foot by 1 inch, put the grill back on... upside down... I think.... then open fresh food section and turn the light bulb 3 revolutions to the left, 2 revolutions to the right, 1 revolution back to the left then one more to the right..... or was it 4 revolutions to the left then..... no that's not it! Damn!

Damn you site-migration, Damn you all to hell!

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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I'm noticing a, more than usual, number of duplicate posts. Is that a result of the upgrade or just a few people not patient enough to only click the submit button once. 

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  • Team Samurai

Brother Durham mentioned that as well. In the past, this was caused by a delay when posting s reply or topic. I was tracking that bug down last night. Did you notice any delay when you posted a reply to this topic?

Just to update my own post: I posted my reply from iPhone using the mobile theme and the post was about instant. I'll try in full theme and then create a new topic to see how that does.

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  • Team Samurai

Testing post delay on full version...

Pretty zippy!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I noticed a reply I made earlier for a wolf service manual request disappeared right after I made the reply, He/She asked for an R364 service manual and I was only able to locate it by the document number.

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  • Team Samurai

Bummer!  I knew we lost a post or two and that one may have been another casualty of the upgrade. But the good news is that we shouldn't need to upgrade or migrate again for a loooong, loooong time. We have enough hardware running this site now that we could handle every appliance tech in the country even if they all logged in at the same time! 

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This was just this afternoon, here's the download I linked to. He/She couldn't find the manual so I found it and linked to it, the post just disappeared. 



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