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Dacor Downdraft model CABP3 manual/tech sheet

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Looking for a manual or tech sheet for this Dacor Downdraft unit. Model # CABP3. 




Thanks brotha!


ApplianceMan97, I have a strong suspicion that the above bundle of info may not be what you're looking for since it is only the blower motor which there really isn't anything special that you couldn't figure out.


The reason I suspect this is that I just looked at my first Dacor (pop-up) downdraft range vent and it uses this same motor on it - there are a couple different blowers for this pop-up vent system.  The pop-up vent unit and the blower motor are two separate parts and each have their own model number. 


The model# for the pop-up unit is down at the lower righthand side just above the access plate to the control board, (the one I looked at, haven't went back and worked on it yet, had a cabinet shelf about half way up the blower motor and you could barely get to or see the control board area or model number tag.  Luckly the builder made the middle shelf removable which made access to the model/serial tag and control board area very easy when I realized the shelf was removable).


If what you need is actually info on the pop-up unit and it is a RV##?, RVC or RVR - (## = 30, 36, 48 for size, ? = Color, S for stainless), I have located a good service manual that explains the complete pop-up unit very well.


If this is really what you need let us know and if Samurai doesn't have it available I can attempt to upload it for you.

Here's were found it on the net: http://www.apdepot.com/images/PartsLookup/DACOR/PM_RV.PDF


I don't believe it's complete service manual but has a service bulletin at the beginning and the parts list of all three model types at the end.  The middle contains complete theory of operation, keypad & control board diagnostics and all the service info you should find necessary to complete any repairs.

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