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GE dryer model DPSQ495ET2WW


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In gearing up to order parts for this Tub o' Fun, I noticed that the black rubber gaskets(?) at the north and south ends of the motor (see photo here: http://groups.msn.com/Appliantology/dryers.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=685

)--look cracked at the edges. A) What are they? B) Should I care? C)If I should indeed care, how difficult is it to replace them?

So far, I'm replacing the drum bearing bits, the dryer belt, the drum glides, and the exhaust crap, so dismantling one more thing won't be exactly inconvenient.

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  • Team Samurai

[user=74]GEophobe[/user] wrote:

So far, I'm replacing the drum bearing bits, the dryer belt, the drum glides, and the exhaust crap, so dismantling one more thing won't be exactly inconvenient.

You're doing a pretty thorough rebuild-- that's typical on these dryers. I've had to do this on one of these that was only two years old, couldn't believe how poorly it withstood normal use. How old is this dryer?

Don't worry about the black vibration dampers. If they're still intact and the motor runs, leave it be. With luck, the rebuild you're doing should greatly extend the life of the motor, removing that joyful excursion into appliance repair excellence from the near future.


YAY!!! That's good news, relatively speaking. The dryer in question is 8 years old, purchased as a part of a package desired by the ex-husband, who wanted appliances that looked as if they belonged "to a space ship." However, he was unwilling to maintain the space ship, which meant that I was left with a whole bunch of GE appliances.--Not that I'm bitter, mind you....JUST NEED TO FIND THAT RAWHIDE BONE THAT I BOUGHT FOR THE DOGS...GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR....CHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMP

Heh heh. Just kidding, kids. Move along, folks. Nothing to see here, nosireee bob.

Hey, thanks a bunch, Hissamurainess!


New problem--the screws holding the bearing plate to the heating element housing won't budge...any ideas? Thanks in advance....

  • Team Samurai

Oooo, these can be a real muthah to get off.  Heat, moisture, and corrosion all extract their pound of flesh.  Sometimes, I have to use a t-handled driver to get that extra torque needed to bust 'em loose.  Usually these are torx bits, too, so make sure you're tooled up correctly.  Rust buster can help, as well. 


Well, THIS is embarrassing: my boyfriend just got home and removed screws 2, 3, and 4 without so much as breaking a sweat.

"DAMN YOU, O SUPERIOR UPPER BODY STRENGTH DENIED (usually) TO WOMEN!! DAMN YOU TO HELLLLLLLL!!"--Charlton Heston, in Planet of the Ape-pliances

So, apparently, I was not properly "tooled up." Heh.

I ordered the dryer parts from Repair Clinic Monday and they arrived today--expected delivery time was 4-6 days. These people are great!!


Well, here's the latest wrinkle on the camel: in replacing the drum bearing assembly, I've discovered that the NEW bearing plate does not have holes sufficiently large to accomodate the 4 screws, not the 4 that came packaged with the plate, not the 4 screws from the old assembly (not that I would've used them anyway). So my conclusion: I need smaller screws. I go to Home Depeau and, because the non-fitting screws appear to be #10, I buy some #8 screws and some locknuts with nylon inserts, just in case.

I come home and try out the new hardware. The new screws fit okay in the holes in the 1:00 and 7:00 positions, but in the 11:00 and 5:00 positions the screws are too small--but, to reiterate, the #10 screws are too big. I'm thinking I have a poorly machined bearing plate (thanks a buttload, GE), but before I call Repair Clinic and request another, is there anything I can do here? Yes, I'm in denial, but I need that dryer and I've got midterms next week and I'm kind of running out of time here. Thanks!


[user=74]GEophobe[/user] wrote:

"DAMN YOU, O SUPERIOR UPPER BODY STRENGTH DENIED (usually) TO WOMEN!! DAMN YOU TO HELLLLLLLL!!"--Charlton Heston, in Planet of the Ape-pliances


Hello, my damn friend.  Your predicament is precisely why Allah, the compassionate and merciful, decreed thus in the Holy Koran:

Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient.

Q 4:34

A virtuous woman walks two paces behind and to the left of her husband so that he may protect her and defend her honor.



"A virtuous woman walks two paces behind and to the left of her husband so that he may protect her and defend her honor."

Also, this allows her better aim should she suddenly desire to clock him upside the head.

  • Team Samurai

Moostafa:  stow it, bud.

GEophobe:  It's a poorly machined plate, they're all like that.  While the screws may not fit straight through, I'm sure you can thread them through.  That's all that counts. If you really need to, you can drill out the holes in the plate but, honestly, I've never had to do this.


--if she's right-handed. She walks behind him and to the right if she's left-handed. And if she's carrying a chunk of 2x4, either is appropriate.


[user=1]Samurai Appliance Repair Man[/user] wrote:

Moostafa:  stow it, bud.

Please forgive me, my dear and gracious friend, Samurai.  I meant no offense.  I would only offer, in my defense, the following qote from our revered leader, Ayatollah Khomeini:


It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.

[align=right]Ayatollah Khomeini[/align]

  • Team Samurai

You are a very sick man, Moostafa.  Go back to milking your male yaks.


I might have to resort to drilling. I'm not just being wimpy here: I'm trying to force it with a T-drive and I'm getting lots of little metal shards.

I'll fool with it while we watch the news this evening; it'll give me a constructive outlet for my aggression.

Cheers, and thanks!

  • Team Samurai

Just make sure you're using the right screws.  The holes in the plate are not threaded so you're actually cutting threads with the new screws-- that's normal.  Twist away!


The dryer is fixed!! Thanks sooo much for all your help. I wouldn't be enjoying a glass of chilled plonk and savoring my victory over the beast without this site!!!

I solved my screw problems (back off, Moostafa) by replacing them with self-drilling screws. --Incidentally, why do the help at Home Depeau ask you if they can help you, and then you resign to giving them the benefit of the doubt and tell them what you're looking for, only to have them stare blankly at you and say I DON'T KNOW?? WHY DO THEY WASTE MY TIME?? WHY DON'T THEY JUST GO AWAY AND FIND SOME OTHER PINHEAD TO PESTER?? AND WHY DO I KEEP GIVING THEM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT?? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME??? WHERE'S MY WINE?? WHERE'S MY BRAIN?? WHERE HAVE ALL MY INVISIBLE FRIENDS GONE???

Sorry. (That was fun.)

Anyway, just out of curiosity, how much would've a real appliance repair person charged to do the work I did? I spent just under $200 on parts and miscellaneous tools, though I'm not counting how much time I spent, even though I should've been studying for a political science exam. This was way more fun, anyway.

Next stop: the washer!! I need to replace the fill valve and the intake hoses. Allez-y!!

  • Team Samurai

I knew you'd whup that puppy!  Now, while the sweet taste of victory doth cling to your lips like toilet paper on my shoe, prolong the streak and tackle that washer. 


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