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Need wiring diagram/service manual KitchenAid KSRS25RSWH00 SxS refrig

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KitchenAid SxS electronic control refrig

Ser# ?U0639981 (2/07)


Need 2303929 wiring diagram (Already of the techsheet 2303925)

Also would like the service manual for these models if available, (all electronic dispenser control

smart valve system).



What's the deal guys, I try to help out as much as possible in this forum and don't ask for much.


We get told go prepared, I ask for help and what do I get?  Silence!!!!!


In the last two weeks I've asked for service tech info and got ignored both times,


viewed 7 times and ZIPPO-NOTHING!!!   Lucky techsheet was with dishwasher.


Now again 13 view on this request and again ZIPPPO-NOTHING!!!!


Please, I need to schedule this customer and need some info on the dispenser motor and controls before I go out.

Posted (edited)

Thanks Spanner for at least trying, but - NO that is not for the fully electronic control model.


I found that diagram already, it has manual crushed/cubed switches.


This one is fully electronic with LCD dispenser display - electronic dispenser control board that controls crushed/cubed by relays controlled by microprocessor on dispenser control board.


The techsheet I have for this doesn't have a wiring diagram on it but has the same main system control diagnostics as what you supplied but page 2 is diagnosic procedures of electronic dispenser controls.


I need the wiring diagram# 2303929 and preferably a JobAid for this complete electronic/smart water valve/electronic dispenser model.

Edited by Budget Appliance Repair

OK, I should be fine.


I found the JobAid that pertains to these models, "Whirlpool Fast Fill Dispenser System R-101 JOB AID
Part No. 8178501A"



It contains the basic wiring diagrams for Whirlpool and KitchenAid models with the fast fill electronic dispenser controls.


Would still like to have actual wiring diagram 2303929 for the one I'm going to be working on.

  • Team Samurai



Good to go. Domo for the upload, Brother Spanner!



What's the deal guys, I try to help out as much as possible in this forum and don't ask for much.


We get told go prepared, I ask for help and what do I get?  Silence!!!!!


In the last two weeks I've asked for service tech info and got ignored both times,


viewed 7 times and ZIPPO-NOTHING!!!   Lucky techsheet was with dishwasher.


Now again 13 view on this request and again ZIPPPO-NOTHING!!!!






It's not a conspiracy, Willie-- you just happen ask for hard-to-find documents because you already know what you're doing and how to search. 


I was finally able to locate a tech sheet for the dishwasher in your link above. 


Was there another request you had that didn't get answered?


What's the deal guys, I try to help out as much as possible in this forum and don't ask for much.


We get told go prepared, I ask for help and what do I get?  Silence!!!!!


In the last two weeks I've asked for service tech info and got ignored both times,


viewed 7 times and ZIPPO-NOTHING!!!   Lucky techsheet was with dishwasher.


Now again 13 view on this request and again ZIPPPO-NOTHING!!!!


Please, I need to schedule this customer and need some info on the dispenser motor and controls before I go out.

It's not deliberate by any means.  If I have a manual or access to it and see the request I'll upload it for you.  Sometimes I just don't notice the post, just try to bump it up like you did this time, I never read the request until you bumped it up.  I don't browse the individual forums only the recent content.

  • Like 1

Thanks guys!!!!


And Samurai, there have been a few times in the past that I've asked a question and just seemed to be ignored - I usually work it out though, (I've sometimes wonder if I'm just asking questions that are so out there that no one knows the answer and so just doesn't say anything).


Again, Thanks......

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