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Whirlpool Compressor Diagnosis Help

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Good evening. I have here a Whirlpool side by side gd27dfxfb02.

Customer says everything entire freezer section defrosts randomly; meats, ice cubes, everything and makes a mess.

Checked entire defrost system. Good.
Clock is good too.
Opened up to take a peek at the evap and I got heavy frost on expand tube and 5-10% of evap. Kind of like the first signs of a freon leak.

Go around and check compressor. grab the neutral wire and on start up, super weird results. Normally I get a nice high peak of 5-10 amps and then shoots down to like 1.X immediately. This guy shoots to like 12 and then jumps down to like 4 or 5 amps and slooooowely crawls down to 1.9 within a minute or two. The 1.9 Still kind of high to be honest. LRA is at 20 and it's a Embraco EGS90HLP.
Toggle the compressor on and off a few times and then, bam, 15 amps for 3 or 4 seconds and thermal kicks out. does this over and over and over. I'm thinking this is the primary problem. 

Am I right to assume the compressor is mechanically "tight" and eventually locked out enough for the freezer section to defrost? Also therefore giving the poor compression performance resulting in the evap not frosting evenly? Resistance values for the coils were AOK and no grounding.

3n1 didn't help and original cap was top notch.

Thanks in advance

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PS since it locked out at 15 amps in 4 seconds I wasn't sure if it counted as true LRA. Maybe the sucker was dragging its feet enough for the thermal to kick out. But it def stayed at 15 amps the whole time, nothing more nothing less.


It took a few minutes to decipher what you are stating.....cannot find a clock on this refrigerator....How long were you holding the neutral wire for???..........Never assume anything..."Mechanically tight"?????...Resistance value of the coils????............Using your Meg-O-Meter and the windings were in the Green......Random high current draw at start, Not a fully frosted evaporator coil.. I would inform the customer that the pump in the compressor  is failing, with a slight possibility the there is a leak in the evaporator coil... Compressor price about 350 clam$................If you want to be a great technician, ya gotta talk like one:)................On most refrigerator diagnostics, I explain to the customer how the system works and what the component functions are, ( most customers like that )  .......... And with age of the unit, it will inform the customer on a "Repair" or "Replace"  option... .

Posted (edited)

If a hard start was no help the compressor is circling the drain! Do the windings ohm out like they should? Two of the readings added together equal the third?

Edited by Hiroshi

Yep windings are ok! I'll inform my client about a new compressor and possible leak.

Thanks gentlemen

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