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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
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Manufacturer: Kenmore
Type of Appliance: Refrigerator
Model Number: 79073055410
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes


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  • Son of Samurai


  • Dr. Phil


  • Samurai Appliance Repair Man


  • Lighthouse


  • Team Samurai

I'm not finding anything for that model number, and Repair Clinic doesn't think it's valid. Are you sure that's the correct number?

  • Team Samurai

Hmm... Unfortunately, the number doesn't pull up anything on Frigidaire's tech literature site. Anyone else got anything?

  • Team Samurai

@Son of Samurai- be sure you’re including the “.” In the model number when you run your search. 

  • Team Samurai

I've tried it with and without the period. Doesn't pull up anything either way.


I ran into the same thing and as Dr. Phil said Sears automatically pulls up a 795* instead of a 790*

If you use the 790 on APP or Repair Clinic it pulls up ranges. Most likely a 795* would be my guess.

  • Team Samurai

Ah, yes, great point @Lighthouse- Sears is aggressive about auto correcting invalid model numbers. Repairclinic is less so. That’s why I suggest using Repairclin in inthe form.

If a model number does not pull up in Repairclinic, it should be a clue that something’s wrong. 

Looks like @Dr. Phil has led us on a snipe hunt! ??‍♂️


Holy shit! Did not Sears autocorrected. Well now I know. :-/

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