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Diagnostics for a GE GSL25IFRFBS SBS Refrigerator

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Manufacturer: GE
Type of Appliance: Refrigerator
Model Number: GSL25IFRFBS
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes

I downloaded the mini tech sheet on the site for this but it does not show how to put the unit in diagnostic mode.  This is a strange problem to me. This unit has the following symptoms:

Freezer is warm at the top and  about 28 degrees at the bottom.  The FF section is warm at the top and freezing the food at the bottom. The damper at the top does not open no matter where the temperature adjustments are. I did find that there is an extra port blowing cold air from the freezer to the ff on the bottom of the unit which I have not seen before. At first I thought it might be the damper at the top of the unit which has a stepper motor and a thermistor attached to it, but the evaporator fan is also not running.  However, in the refrigerator course it said that on a bldc fan motor with the micom you have to put it in diagnostic mode to verify that that micom is sending the right stuff to the fan motor.  I can't find anything that tells me how to do that. Since the damper also doesn't seem to be working, I am thinking it is the control board that is bad but I want to prove it.  Any help would be appreciated.

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I also can't find the thermistor data table for this unit.

  • Team Samurai

Here's the document you need -- it has diagnostic mode instructions and the thermistor data.

As for your description of the problem you're facing, hop on over to the Appliance Repair Tech forum and post it as a new topic there. That's the place to get technical help.


Thank your very much.  That was superfast


sorry, i downloaded the file, but i don't see the information there.  is this the right file? i will post the problem in the other forum.

  • Team Samurai

You're right, I linked the wrong one. My bad! Here's what you need:



This file has the information i'm looking for but not for the model I have.  my model number is gsl25ifrfbs.  This file doesn't list the GSL25* anywhere


my model has manual controls for freezer and ff but it also has a micom and dc evap fan motor and stepper motor controlled damper.

  • Team Samurai

Your model uses the same control board as the units listed in that file, so the diagnostic procedure should be the same.

  • Team Samurai

@ApplianceLearner - Let's move this discussion to your topic in the Appliance Repair Tech forum.

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