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Manufacturer: Maytag
Type of Appliance: Washer
Model Number: MHW5500FW0
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes

If anyone has this manual would really appreciate it. Thank you


The path that will lead you to that which ye seek



Why thank you Lighthouse for leading me on the path to true appliance serenity. However, my total serenity was then upheavaled whence the PUB # I got off of the SearsPartDirect site - W10602465 retrieved 2 service manuals off the Appliantology site, one was W10602465A and the other W10602464B. This of course will require quite contemplation and solitude until resolved.


Go with rev. B. that means that they made some changes to it. Not much difference in them. in fact a lot of times the changes are so small that you don't even notice them.


Service manual number is W10372167 7 it is in downloads but in a couple of bundles

7 hours ago, Lighthouse said:


Service manual number is W10372167 7 it is in downloads but in a couple of bundles


Hi Lighthouse, Did not understand what you meant with this last response. Please clarify 


Service manual number is W103721677 

type that in search and pull it up

2 hours ago, Lighthouse said:

Service manual number is W103721677 


I typed in your # and it didn’t bring up anything. All it did is take me back to your entry. W10602465 was the # I got when I put in the model# of the machine.


You are correct. My finger got a little happy on the 7. Try this. Sorry


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Thanks again!

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