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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
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Manufacturer: LG
Type of Appliance: Washing machine
Model Number: WM3180CW
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): No
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes

 hello I searched with the wild card and all I could find was a WM3001HWA.

 Is that going to be close enough?

They said this thing is shooting an f8 code which says the pump is not shutting off even if the machine is off.



Excuse me, "FE"


Well I was able to talk to LG tech support and have them email me a manual.  I will add it here if I can figure it out.

And perhaps the moderator could move this over to the help section for future benefit of others.

The complaint was that when they opened the door after washing,  gallons of water would spill all over the floor! It didn't do it every time, but had done it twice or more.

 Google and tech support said the odds on favorite was a bad fill valve. Which we planned to order- but I hate guessing.

As we were backing out of the man's driveway he came running out to tell us that it was filling again, though the machine was off.  So we ran in and popped the top off and checked for voltage to the valves,  because I was wondering if the computer was sending a signal when it shouldn't. There was only milli- voltage present and when we unplugged the washer, the water continue to slowly fill until we shut off the supply valves. 

Apparently these washers have a pattern of the valves intermittently not seating closed when the cycle is completed. The hot and cold valves are manufactured separately on the cold side is a big ugly  looking contraption.

I'm going to christen it, "The LG chicken foot" inlet water valve.



The LG Chickenfoot.




 I'm sorry, I guess the service manual file is an unaccepted PDF format.

I'm not techno savvy enough to know why that's a bad idea.


  • Team Samurai
2 hours ago, Bintiwangu said:

I'm not techno savvy enough to know why that's a bad idea.

It's a great idea! You can't attach PDFs to posts because they're supposed to go in the Files section where people can search and find them. Just go to this link and click the yellow "Submit a File" button under the "Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper" heading. We'll get it formatted and make it live so all the other members can get it, too. And thanks! https://appliantology.org/files/category/3-appliance-repair-manual-pot-luck-supper/

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  • Team Samurai

Here's that LG manual for posterity. Thanks for the upload, @Bintiwangu!



You are welcome! It took me a little while to do it. For some reason I had to delete the one I had on my phone and re- download it from my email to my phone again as it would not open up again.

If I can become proficient at this, it will be as great a  techno step forward as when  my wife showed me how to "cut and paste" about 15 years ago!

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