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Frigidaire dishwasher stuck in washing cycle

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Hello all,

I have a Frigidaire Model# FFBD2406NS7B dishwasher. It is stuck in the washing cycle, and just continuously repeats. Has cold water, no hot. I replied the heating element, and thermostat already. I did reset the machine, and also turned off the breaker and it still does the same thing. I also tested the Thermostat, Thermistor and heating element with a multimeter. It is from what I read, on OHMs multimeter setting (200) it read 0, for the thermistor on OHMs setting multimeter 20k, it read (10.50), heater multimeter ohms setting 200, read  14.5.

I googled what setting to set the thermistor, and from what I gather it is not the lowest setting of 200, it is 20k. Not sure if that is right. If it is on setting 200 it reads 1. 

I took the control board out, looked at it, and did not see any burn marks on it.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.


The 20K scale on your Multimeter would be the correct setting for the thermistor, and it sounds like the thermistor is probably good. The 200 ohm setting is good for the heater ring and 14.5 ohms is a little low but should not affect function too much (ideally it should be closer to 16 Ohms). The next thing to check is continuity from one end of the heating circuit to the other. Then check for voltage being sent from the board to the heater. Have you located the tech sheet with the diagnostic information in it?


Continuity read 1. No reading for voltage, I tested it throughout the cycle a bunch of times, nothing happened. opened up the washer and coil was really hot.


So I replaced the board, heater element, and thermostat. still does not go through all the cycles by itself. In test mode, I have to manually advance it it just continually runs on Washing. When I advance it to dry mode, I put my volt meter on the heater elements and I get no reading. Then I open it up, feel the element, and it is hot. How can that be?

Posted (edited)

>  I put my volt meter on the heater elements and I get no reading. Then I open it up, feel the element, and it is hot. How can that be?


  • It was energized but not when you were checking it.
  • Your meter is borked,
  • You weren't on the right terminals.
  • The heater is hot because the water was hot, not because it was energized
  • Your meter didn't have a good connection to the element

Check the meter in a wall outlet and make sure it's working, then leave it attached to the heating element and see what's going on.

Edited by Terry Carmen
  • Like 1

I checked it under the wrong multimeter setting, after I switched it, it does have 120v going to the heater element. At times it spiked to 200v. The problem is, it does not go through the cycles  under all three washing modes. Stays in Washing. Water is not hot. I have not done anything different with my piping, worked fine before. 


What's the incoming water temp, (water heater should be set at a minimum of 120 degrees for dishwasher use).

If water heater is a long way across house the fill maybe pretty much cold water so it would take a long time to heat, (I suspect when it isn't advancing thru the cycles it is at one of the water heat cycles that will keep washing until it reaches the required temp before the control will advance).

Did by any chance someone turn on the hi-temp wash or sini-rinse options that may not have been turned on and used before?


The water is piping hot, I have always set it on hi temp.


After looking at my water hook ups, the dishwasher was always hooked up to the cold water, and it worked fine. So I ran it to the hot water, and still no advancement.  But it is really hot as steam is coming out of the vent.

On 10/23/2019 at 9:08 AM, Jayski101 said:

At times it spiked to 200v.

Something is wrong either with your meter or the house wiring.

It shouldn't be possible for the element to have 200v across it when plugged into 115v wiring.


My meter was set at 250acv, when I put it on 200, it read 120.


I am going to check ohms to all wires coming from control board tom.


I checked all wires, ohms read 0. Could I have received a defective board? Can you confirm on the thermistor, would this cause it not to go through cycles? For ohms I set it on 20k, and it read 9.5. Is that correct?

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