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Cooktop was fully functional until the fuse blew for the left IPC; its IGBTs were obviously fried.  There was no apparent damage to the middle or right IPCs or the UI, but strangely the UI went completely dark (the tech manual implies that the burners served by the other IPCs should have still worked).  After purchasing a new IPC, replacing the left unit and configuring #26, the UI showed F47 on the left side.  The right side showed intermittent errors but its burners would sometimes function.

Suspecting that the UI was also damaged, we purchased a new UI and associated cabling, but the symptoms did not change.  When IPCs are swapped, the F47 stays on the left side.  All three IPCs show a flashing green light, so they obviously have power and appear to be communicating.

The tech sheet that came with the unit shows a jumper to be installed on J803, on the right IPC only, but the three IPCs that came with the unit do not have these pins populated.  (The J803 pins are populated on the replacement IPC, but no jumper is installed there, as it is a 'left' IPC.)

Suspecting that a second IPC may have been damaged, I attempted to set up the unit as if it were a KICU509X (with config #23), trying two IPCs at a time, in all three combinations.  In all cases, an error stayed on the left side, usually F47 but sometimes F63 (not listed on any tech sheet or service manual I could find), and it was possible to make a right side burner operate.

In the original unit, the left IPC was software rev. 8.0 but the others were 6.0.  The replacement IPC was 6.1.  Both the original and replacement UIs show SW REN:3.0 and SW PSOCWER:2.3.

Any ideas as to what may be wrong will be greatly appreciated.

Can someone please point me to a download or purchase of complete schematic diagrams for the UI or IPC boards (not the wiring diagrams on the tech sheet)?

Is there a description available of the pinout and protocol between the UI and the IPCs, and the commands and status formats sent back and forth (for download or for purchase)?



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On 5/14/2020 at 11:04 PM, rikishi said:

Is there a description available of the pinout and protocol between the UI and the IPCs, and the commands and status formats sent back and forth (for download or for purchase)?

Sadly whirlpool doesn't share this information. Have you checked both fuse EMI board?

3 hours ago, Vance R said:

Have you checked both fuse EMI board?

Many thanks for the reply.

Yes, all three IPC boards show a flashing green light, so they are clearly receiving power.  Also, 240 VAC between the L and N terminals on each IPC was present, as expected.

I found a manual from Whirlpool Europe that is somewhat more explanatory:

http://www.scc-service.com/fileadmin/Redaktion/Training_Documents/Cooking/14_Induction_G8_2014_EN.pdf .

Also, inspection of the UI boards shows that D005 (from pin 5 of the right connector) is not populated, which explains why the left connector must be powered for the board to operate.

And, pins 1 through 4 of the left connector are wired to the corresponding pins on the right connector, i.e. all 3 IPCs are on the same bus, so it's reasonably certain that the IPCs must have different addresses to operate properly.  I strongly suspect that the replacement IPC has the wrong address and that's why there is an F47 error.  I am hoping that there is a menu option to program the address, but don't know how to find it.

Although the manuals I've found speak about jumpers to set the address (J803 on each IPC), my IPCs do not have that header populated, so there was probably a design change to store the address in EEPROM.

Could you please do me a favor and post my question in the Appliance Repair Tech Forum?  Compared to DIY, it gets about ten times the traffic and is read by more knowledgeable users.  I had applied for 'Legacy Tech' status on Thursday but received no reply, either positive or negative.

I am also pursuing three other possibilities:

On the failed IPC board, I found two IGBTs and the bridge rectifier to be shorted.  I ordered replacements, hoping that these are the only damaged parts.  With them removed, I connected a bench supply and a cable to a UI board, which lit up, albeit with F47 errors because the other boards are not present.  So I know that the control supply and processor are ok.

I'll call Whirlpool in Stuttgart tonight (Monday morning in Germany) and hope that their support can explain the addressing issue.

From the above manual, I learned that "WIDE bus" means Whirlpool Inter-module Data Exchange.  Searching for that, I found a company in Mexico who makes test equipment that connects to this bus, so they obviously have a spec.  I'll call them tomorrow to see if they'll sell me a copy.

If a solution is found, I'll post it here.

Thanks again,



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