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Need correct tech info for Kenmore 106.59966803

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Manufacturer: Kenmore by Whirlpool
Type of Appliance: SxS Refrigerator
Model Number: 106.59966803
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes

Looking for the correct tech info - extensive search here found what is suppose to be the tech sheets for this but none of the actual PDF documents have the tech sheet numbers I'm looking for and don't pertain to this refrig.

Mod# 106.59966803
Ser# SY4323632 (MFG.DT 10/2009)

Calls for tech sheet# W10238215 - Found two of these in files here but the actual documents contained are not for this model.  Both show a wiring diagram with a mechanical t-stat, this unit has all electronic controls on the dispenser display, (6 buttons across bottom under display).

Also found this model that uses the same damper control which I have a problem with and need to know how to put into diagnostics to check damper.

106.59966801 (Only the last/rev number is different), it calls for tech sheet W10180857 which I found one copy of in the files and again it doesn't pertain to model of refrigerator.

Need a correct diagnostic printout of which of the 6 buttons are pushed in combination to enter diagnostics then what each step of the diagnostics are and what the read out is suppose to be.


Yeah this one is a Custer Fu**k. I see that mechanical thermostat in a lot of the close model number, but can’t find it in any Parts Breakdown. You should be able to uses this tech sheet! 



Thanks @Captain Dunsel that wiring diagram looks lots closer - just not the way to go into diagnostics.

I found this one that has the buttons marked as SW1  SW2  SW3  SW4  SW5  SW6  so I think between this tech sheet and the one you supplied I should be able to figure it out.



Uploaded my best guess, pending approval:


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  • Team Samurai

Thanks, Vance! Approved.


@Captain Dunsel Yes, that is the damper control that I'm dealing with - by just turning the refrig temp from lowest to highest didn't get any movement from the damper, (it is open only about 1/8"), as far as I know it should be fully closed or fully open.   I'm pretty sure I have a bad damper control


Thanks @Vance R that is definitely the correct info I was looking for.   Looks like what @Captain Dunsel linked me to would work for this one also.    I'm not used to seeing the six button across the bottom not being referred to by the SW1-SW6 terminology and being told to hold specific named buttons instead, (Looks like to enter diagnostics it will be hold SW1-ICE and SW3-LIGHT).

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Think this is around time when Whirlpool and Kenmore were not happy with each other. 

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