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Manufacturer: GE
Type of Appliance: Dishwasher
Model Number: Gdf620hmj2es
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes

Can someone upload the service manual for diagnostic I need to test if there’s power to the heater.  I waited till the dispenser open and still no power to the heater.  Need to verify through diagnostic if it’s a board problem.  Heater tested good.


Uses this mini manual:

May want to see if the flood float switch WD21X10519 is good. A lot of information over on the Appliance Repair Tech Forum



This is strange, during diagnostic check no power to the heater.  Replaced lower control board and still no power.  Is it the logic board.


Thats a Question you should ask over on the (Appliance Repair Tech Forum) So anything after this go over there. Here is some information though!

If the dishwasher is not heating, even in test mode. ALWAYS disconnect the wire harness from the float switch and test the heater again, BEFORE replacing any other component. 99% of the time, the float switch is the problem.

this does assume that the issue is no power coming from the main control board

Float switch part # WD21X10519


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