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Need wiring diagram for a 1977 Frigidaire Electric Double Wall Oven RE-97

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Manufacturer: Frigidaire
Type of Appliance: Electric Double Wall Oven
Model Number: RE-97
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): YES
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): YES

I know this one is really a long shot on if anyone will have this one for me

Would like to have a wiring diagram

Frigidaire Electric Double Wall Oven (1977)
Mod# RE-97  (?G or ?BK) - customer only gave RE97
Ser# 71009726

Both mod/ser# given over the phone by customer, (found some parts listing in a 1992 Gemline parts catalog under model RE-97F an RE97BK

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  • Budget Appliance Repair


  • Son of Samurai


  • Terry Carmen


  • Vance R


  • Team Samurai

I've got nothing on this one so far. Anyone else?


Thanks @Son of Samurai, I really wasn't expecting much from this request.  Knew it was a long shot request.


Unfortunately, that's going to be on microfiche. Not sure who would have that anymore unless you can convince Electrolux to go hunting for it.

Did you take it apart yet? There's usually a wiring diagram hidden somewhere.

12 hours ago, Terry Carmen said:

Did you take it apart yet? There's usually a wiring diagram hidden somewhere.

Lots of times these old wall ovens have the diagram pasted to one of the sides.

I'm trying to determine if I want to take the job or not - the customer thinks it's a t-stat problem, the upper oven bake doesn't work and he said he swapped the bake element from the lower oven to the upper and it still won't work.  Says broil in upper oven works OK.

He says only getting 47Vac on one of the bake element lines - could be a bad t-stat or just a broken wire somewhere and he is reading ghost voltage.    Neither of the upper or lower oven t-stats are available, (used lower oven t-stat on Ebay for $99.00).

If I had a wiring diagram I could most likely replace the upper oven t-stat with a universal oven t-stat depending on setup.


Think i found a diagram, uploaded pending approval.

4 hours ago, Budget Appliance Repair said:

If I had a wiring diagram I could most likely replace the upper oven t-stat with a universal oven t-stat depending on setup.

The old ovens were really simple, so I'm pretty sure if the customer wasn't fussy, you could find some sort of thermostat and/or element to make it work again.

I miss the old stuff where you could use something that was "close enough" and it would work great and everybody would be happy.

  • Team Samurai

Thanks, Vance!



Thank you, that should work - kind of hard to read but better then nothing.

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