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GE Built In Microwave - Need tech sheet and service manual if possible

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Manufacturer: GE
Type of Appliance: Microwave
Model Number: ZEB1227SL1SS
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes

The door is stuck closed and the button doesn't feel like it's attached to anything. Pushes in but doesn't unlatch door. No resistance when pushing in.

Need to be able to get out of cabinet and disassemble.

Any ideas on what parts to bring for the latch would be appreciated.


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  • Terry Carmen


  • Samurai Appliance Repair Man


  • Captain Dunsel


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Uses this mini manual:


Posted (edited)


The door is stuck closed and the button doesn't feel like it's attached to anything. Pushes in but doesn't unlatch door. No resistance when pushing in.

Any idea what door/latch parts I should bring? It's waaaay out in the sticks.

Edited by Terry Carmen
  • Team Samurai
10 hours ago, Terry Carmen said:

The door is stuck closed and the button doesn't feel like it's attached to anything

This service bulletin may apply:


52 minutes ago, Samurai Appliance Repair Man said:

This service bulletin may apply:


I wonder if the latch is working properly but the door is just stuck shut?


  • Team Samurai

Could be. From that service bulletin, it seems like the interference between the control board and the door could cause that but make you think it was the door latch.

So it's a bit of a quandary from a service call standpoint, especially since there's a lot of windshield time on this one. Do you purchase the parts before hand so you have everything you need for an FCC? If you do this, you would probably want to quote the customer on what the repair could cost before you make the drive to make sure they're okay with that. 


Well, after all that I'm not going to get the chance to find out. It turns out that The control panel GE says to replace is currently out of stock....

5 hours ago, Samurai Appliance Repair Man said:



  • Team Samurai

Man, parts supply is killing us these days! I have Bosch warranty jobs that have been waiting on parts for almost 2 months now. One the parts is not available (new range!) with no availability date given. 

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