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Samsung RF263BEAESG/AA Ice chute seal issues.

Go to solution Solved by Datagg,

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Hello. Been having seal issues to the ice bucket when closed. Can see some space, not allot but enough to chase fridge air to get in bucket and ice melting.  So bought a new seal for it, and it's still not sealing properly. Bought a new ice bucket, as the current one was cracked a bit.amd with that still the seal isn't doing it's job. It's almost like it needs to be taller or something.  So I'm really baffled here .. The ice bucket is locking in when inserted ..but I'm wondering can that pivot latch,  DA97-14471A cause some kind of misalignment issue. Like i mentioned bucket locks in, yet seal just isn't properly sealing. Matter of fact, I placed a flashlight in the chute, closed door while my cell phone was recording and light is shooting in all directions directions from seal. It's just not pressing enough against the ice chute. 


Anyone have any ideas why this could be occurring. I'm at a total loss here.  Thank you. 


Could be the door motor not homing correctly. I would have replaced the assembly 

Refrigerator Ice Container DA97-08680G


Thank you Matt. This is actually the chute seal not not properly sealing under the ice bin itself.  There may be a some air getting thru the flap chute as water drips some thru it, yet the water that is on the chute seal is plain as day and leaks out around that.  I can actually see the seal not closing on the ice bin properly as seen when looking at it from the right side door.  Input a new seal there also thinking it flattened out, yet this was the case. I just don't understand why it won't seal tight. I even thought about lifting the door, yet no adjustment for that.. Also thought if I put some backer rod under the seal to lift it higher, yet that didn't work either. It's almost like the ice box once it locks in is too high.  I just don't get it.  Thanks for reading. 


Is this the part?


The left door is fixed with no vertical adjustment. Check to see if any thing is worn in the lower hinge.  May just need a seal replacement. 


Yes..Just replaced that part a week ago. Gasket with chute.  Didn't help unfortunately. Checked hinges on door. They look good. 


Also this was the part Number:DA97-12594A

Oddly the gasket itself has a different number. Yet it matched the original removed. That has a number of DA63-08248. I double checked thinking maybe it was wrong, yet it appears that this number on the seal works for multiple numbers across Samsung's line and mine in that list. Was going I perhaps found something, yet it appears this isn't the case. 


Let's find out, what is the serial number of your refrigerator?

50 minutes ago, Datagg said:


Not to be picky, this is the model number with the version number. Would like the serial number to confirm the version number. 


From your version number 4

This is just the seal:


This is the seal and chute:



This is the seal numbers from the original. Seems the only difference is the X marking.  The new seal has the same number. And the seal and chute kit states on package  DA97-12594A


Sorry forgot image.  Here is the number on seal itself. 



Used the serial number and pulled up the same gasket information.  Is there any frost in the ice chute area? Your model/ serial information puts the refrig in range for direct cool icemaker issues. Any frost or ice build up in the ice room? 


Yes.. But the unit was resealed, and the new 004 revision added to it. Since then, 2 years ago it has been great. Pretty sure the seal is the issue now. I can take a small flashlight and place it down the chute...place my camera in fridge, aim it at the seal, close door and see light blasting out from the seal and the ice bin. Can do the same when placing flashlight in the ice bin, and take a video where no light comes from the ice chest at at, from the sides, from the bottom, allot he areas that needed to be resealed per the issues these models experienced. The only place light gets out is at the seal area of the chute. Even the ice gets more degraded in the front as the heat from fridge gets to it.  Another sign, if the seal was sealing ..the melted ice would drip down into the flapper area, which it does yet it also gets on the chute seal, and out around it .. You would think if the seal was tight to bucket you wouldn't see water on the seal itself and out around it on the base.  That chute seal just isn't sealing around the ice bin area.  Baffled. 


Sounds like door may have dropped a small amount or your ice bin is not in correctly. Also if the water is dripping out the dispenser flap is not sealing. If the flap seal is good water will puddle in the chute area.


Thanks. Yea, it's a small, very small krak via the flapper. It pools water in there's yet drips a bit. So you think the door?..  Thanks for all your thoughts on this. 

6 minutes ago, Datagg said:

So you think the door?.. 

Hard to tell for sure, is the left door level with the right door? As for the flapper it is supposed to hold water. For the icemaker issues it is one of the checks your supposed to do before installing the kit. Fill the chute with water to see if it leaks. 


Oh it leaks some. Been doing that for about a year now . Just a small drip. I can open door, dump a cup of water there and it holds it, minus a very small leak. Would take awhile to empty. More water would get in there I'm sure when ice melts yet as mentioned it looks up in the chute seal and drips around it into the fridge itself.  As for the door, it's the same location. Height wise, just a tad over the top compared to the right door as you look at both from front. Essentially you would think it would make the seal tighter yet that's not happening. 



 just wondring if the ice was melting maybe that melted Ice water freezing and making it unlevel .

8 hours ago, Waleed Ahmad said:

 just wondring if the ice was melting maybe that melted Ice water freezing and making it unlevel .

Good thought, yet unfortunately no. I've completely emptied bucket and started from that point. 

I've ordered a new ice bucket, just in the off chance it isn't locking in right somehow or perhaps warped some. It's my last guess on what to try.snort if taking a shotgun to this thing. 

  • Solution
8 hours ago, Waleed Ahmad said:

Okay so I did some search on it and found out that there is a service bulletin i couldn't upload for some reason but i got a screenshot it says if you instal this clip it will fix the issue so you should try this too.


Screenshot_20230228_090158_Samsung Notes.jpg

Thanks. This revision was all done a couple of years ago that did fix that particular issue. The issue now is just refrigerator air getting thru the gasket that seals under the ice bin. Hence melting the ice some towards the front of the unit. 

  • 1 month later...

Well just got done replacing the ice chute flapper and although it's a bit better as that was leaking some it's still that seal that is the issue. The door just seems a bit low, and that ice chute seal isn't meeting the underside of the ice bucket right. I put some bar rod under the seal to give it more lift, and it seals better, yet still not tight...you can see it's still sealing right... Hence I get melting right there in the front of the ice bucket, dripping straight down into the flapper ..  How can I get that left door a bit higher as that seems to be the only solution at this point, short of stick of dynamite.  Thanks for reading guys. 


The owner's manual show only the right door has an adjustment screw in the lower hinge, check the left hinge to see if there is a adjustment screw.  If no screw is present you'll need to add shim washers to the hinge pin. Plastic washers are available at most hard ware store in various sizes and thicknesses. 

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