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How to fix a constipated water dispenser in a GE refrigerator

Good news: no enema needed for this repair! Sublime Master SANTA turns up the heat on this one:

The first thing to do is undo the water line connection that is below the left bottom of the freezer door, might have to remove the kick plate. Then press the dispenser and see if you have water pressure to that point. If you do then you can test the frozen water tube theory by using a hair dryer to warm up the water tube area for about 10-15 minutes with the door open and see if it thaws out. Be careful not to melt the plastic with the hair dryer. I've noticed alot of times it's a small amount of ice that thaws out by the time I get the heater kit installed. I'll get back to you with the part # of that kit...

Found it ==> http://www.repaircli...9X10173/1381601


Source: GE ZISB480DMC Water dispenser

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Great info. I have heard of this but never see it.

Can you tell me where I heat the area for the water tube?

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


You'd heat the area around the dispenser spout. Here's a photo of the dispenser heater installed:


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heater to be used on models with metal liners only

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