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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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MST Radio Episode 25: Sears tech attacks customer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai suss out various angles and facets in a sensational recent news story where a Sears contractor tech attacked a customer. Lots of interesting lessons from this story for both customers and in-home service professionals.  Link to the news story: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2018/02/19/repairman-arrested-homeowner-attack/    

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

LG WM3677HW Combo Washer/dryer - washes okay but doesn't dry

One common problem with these combo laundry units is that they'll stop drying the clothes. The dryer portion of the combo unit is a condenser type dryer. It works on the principal that water condenses on a cool surface, similar to moisture collecting on a cold drink on a hot and humid summer day. A fan circulates air through the warming duct, drum, and condenser and over and over. The air is warmed because warmer air holds more moisture than cooler air and the heat causes more of the water to be

How to troubleshoot an F11 error code in a Whirlpool Duet Sport / Kenmore Elite front loading washer

F11 is one of the worst fault codes. Even the Factory Is not clear on its cause. What I do is check the two blue wires that go from the motor control unit (MCU) to the central control unit (CCU). Make sure they are connected well and are not broken. Ohm 'em out, end to end. Beyond that, your probabilities of successful repair are as follows: - Replace the CCU: 95% chance, part link ==> Central Control Unit - Replace the MCU: 25% chance, part link ==> Motor Control Unit - Replace the

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a Frigidaire Refrigerator Ice Dispenser Crush Cube Problem

Join The Appliance Guru on a troubleshooting safari where he hunts down a problem on an ice dispenser on a Frigidaire refrigerator that only dispenses crushed ice even when cubed ice is selected. Is the problem the dispenser control board? Is is the ice augur? Is it the crusher/cuber solenoid? Watch and see! [media=] The Appliance Guru Fast, Expert Appliance Repair Service in New London, NH Call 526-7129 for service http://ApplianceGuru.com

ASTI 2014, Evernote Edition

Well, mah bruvahs, heading out on that big ol' jet airliner from Logan tomorrow afternoon making that long haul to San Diego for the 2014 ASTI. Looking forward to seeing some of you there and will miss those of you who can't make it this year. For my absentee brethren, the Samurai's got your six! I'll be taking copious notes and will post them all as PDFs in the Downloads section when I return. Additionally, if any of you have any specific questions you'd like me to ax the instructors, plea

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual

File Name: Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 03 Jan 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Job Aid W10329932 Covers models: MVWC400XW MVWX500XW MVWX550XW MVWX600XW MVWX700XW WTW4950XW WTW5500XW WTW5550XW WTW5600XW WTW5700XW Click here to download this file Source: New Appliance Service Manual added: Whirlpool Vertical Modular Washer (VMW) Training Manual

Troubleshooting a Bosch Dishwasher No Heat Problem Using the Schematic and Live Tests

In this video for Professional Appliantologist members and Master Samurai Tech Academy students, I show you how to troubleshoot a Bosch dishwasher no-heat problem. No heat problems can manifest in a variety of ways: really long cycle times, a "1" shown on the display at the end of the cycle, or as an error code. Some models will show an error code readout, others may just show the error code as a flashing light. Whichever way, you need to troubleshoot the heating circuit. As with all electr

Installing the foamed-in-place refrigerator door gaskets used on some Whirlpool and Kitchenaid models: A War Story

Brother Willie shares his battle-scarred experience with replacing these types of refrigerator door gaskets. To summarize in a word: DON'T. Or, if you must because you're a professional Appliantologist, make sure you charge a lot for the job. But Brothers PDuff and JJ Surfer offer these consoling words of wisdom: Source: Kitchenaid fridge. KBRC36FKS02. Sporadic temp problems

GE Refrigerator Appliantology: Fans, Evaporator and Condenser

This is the first in a series of posts I’m going to do about the technology used in GE refrigerators. Understanding the basics of how these refrigerators work will give you a lot of troubleshooting insight when you’re trying to track down a problem. This post explains how the fans in GE refrigerators are controlled and operated. Like most other refrigerators, GE refrigerators have at least two fans: - the evaporator (freezer) fan - the condenser fan (the hot coil in the back, underneath the refr

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a microwave oven using the Divide and Conquer Method

Electrically speaking, microwave ovens have two sections: low voltage and high voltage. The low voltage section consists of the door switches, start button, control panel, turntable motor, cooling fan, stirrer motor, and some miscellaneous switches. The high voltage section consists of the transformer (which steps 120vac line voltage in residential units and 240vac in some commercial units up to 2,000+ volts), the high voltage rectifier (diode), and the charging capacitor (which together with

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a Dacor PCD / PCS double oven with an F1 error code

The following Dacor PCS/PCD manuals are available to Apprentices upon request: DACOR PCS PCD Diagnostic_Manual.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Fault Codes.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Light-Latch Service Bulletin.pdf DACOR PCS PCD PARTS 5995436283.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Service Bulletins ECS_FSB.pdf DACOR PCS PCD Wiring Diagrams.pdf DACOR Wall Ovens Quick Tests.pdf Find and order Dacor oven parts here. Source: PCD 230R Dacor double oven F-1 code

Appliantology Newsletter: Keep Your Oven Cooking for Thanksgiving

Appliantology NewsletterKeep Your Oven Cooking for Thanksgiving November 1, 2012 PresentsRunning Your Oven's Self-Clean Could Mean Cold Turkey on Thanksgiving DayProfessional Appliantologists mark the seasons by the mix of service calls we get. We're just now coming out of refrigerator season and getting into the thick of oven season. Every year, in the few days leading up to Thanksgiving Day, I can always count on a ton of last-minute, panicked service calls."Why is that, Samurai?" you ask.We

How to replace the motor brushes in a Bosch WFR2450 Axxis+ washer

If your Bosch washer won't spin or tumble, or the motor makes weird growling noises, you may need to replace the carbon brushes in the motor. Here's the part link to the replacement brush set ==> http://www.repaircli.../154740/1043249 And here's a pretty good video that shows you how to replace them: Although the video does a good job of showing you how to replace the brushes, Grand Master kdog offers the following clarifying comments on some of the other points mentioned in the video: So

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Christ is Risen! Χριστός Ανέστη! Христос Воскресе!

Paschal Greetings from around the World Aleut: Khristus anahgrecum! Alhecum anahgrecum! Aleut: Khris-tusax agla-gikux! Agangu-lakan agla-gikux! Albanian: Krishti U Ngjall! Vertet U Ngjall! Alutuq: Khris-tusaq ung-uixtuq! Pijii-nuq ung-uixtuq! Amharic: Kristos tenestwal! Bergit tenestwal! Anglo-Saxon: Crist aras! Crist sodhlice aras! Arabic: El Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm! Armenian: Kristos haryav ee merelotz! Orhnial eh harootyunuh kristosee! Athabascan: Xristosi banuytashtch’ey! Gheli banuytashtc

Theory of Operation of Electrode Gas Flame Detection

If you're working on a gas stove where the burners keep clicking even after the flame is established, you may be tempted to throw a new spark module at it and hope for the best. But you would probably be disappointed. Let's start the troubleshooting process with a fundamental understanding of how the spark module is supposed to detect that the burner has established a flame: Source: G.E. ZGU36L6H4SS Cooktop

LG Front-Load Washer and Top-Mount and Bottom-Mount Refrigerator Training Albums

Screencast showing the new albums of photos of handouts from a technical training session on the new model LG top-mount and bottom-mount refrigerators and front-load washers. Mucho domos to Grand Master Funk appl.tech.29501 for the photos of the training material! Links to the new albums in the Gallery: LG Washer Training ==> http://appliantology...asher-training/ LG Refrigerator Training ==> http://appliantology...rator-training/

Understanding the Adaptive Defrost Control in the new-style GE top-mount refrigerators

This little video explains the ADC system used in GE's newer top-mount refrigerators, the so-called "TMNF" line. Example model numbers are: GTH/HTH 16 cuft GTH/HTH 17 cuft GTH/DTH/GTS/PTS 18 cuft In the video, I explain I how this ADC works and how to put it into manual defrost mode. (Short answer: Press the fresh food door switch 3 times within 5 seconds and close the FF door when the control is not in defrost or dwell.) [media=]
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