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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Kenmore: Just another brand or yet another scam?

Sears is a popular place to buy appliances because they are located all over the country, they frequently have special offers, and they are an old, familiar name. When you stroll through the rows of shiny machines in a Sears store you see all the major brands, including lots of Kenmores. Does buying this "Sears brand" have any downside for the consumer? Ya sure, ya betcha! Although there are still a few folks who haven't gotten the memo yet, most people understand that there ain’t no Kenmore fac

Kenmore HE5t washer with error code F71 and won't run

Common manifestation of this problem: no lights on the control panel and when you press the power button, you just get three or four quick beeps. Do the test on this page. If unplugging the blue harness from the MCU results in the control panel lighting up normally like the machine wants to run (but can't because the blue wire is unplugged from the MCU), then... Source: Kenmore HE5t F71 error code and won't run

Jumper Wires Used, and NOT used, in Appliance Repair

A common and powerful electrical troubleshooting technique is to by-pass suspected bad components. This is done using what's called a jumper wire that is placed across the contacts of the component, typically a switch of some type. You can buy a bag of jumper wires at Radio Shack or just make your own. With this in mind, I present you this illustrative and thought-provoking photo. Can you answer the question it asks? Give up? Okay, here's the answer: Related: The Fine Art of Wire Termina

John Guest fittings

John who? John Guest fittings are those magical fittings that connect plastic tubing in refrigerators and icemakers. The nice thing about them is they don't require any tools to make the connections; just push in/push out. To learn more about the in's and out's of John Guest fittings, see this post==> http://fixitnow.com/wp/2010/09/16/how-does-that-plastic-water-tube-come-out-the-mysteries-of-john-guest-fittings-revealed/ Sublime Master kdog has put together a nice mélange of John Guest f

It's not too late to claim this tax deduction

2017 is quickly coming to an end, and the new year is just around the corner. This is your last chance to get in some tax deductible business expenses, and an enrollment in one of our enlightening and empowering appliance tech training courses at Master Samurai Tech is just the thing!  Most of you reading this will be in either the 15% or 25% tax bracket. Training costs for your employment or business are tax deductible. If you claim your tuition as a deduction on your 1040, this is effective

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Is the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Fundamentals Course Right for You?

Since opening the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Fundamentals of Appliance Repair course up for general enrollment, I've gotten emails from techs with experience ranging from rookies (less than two years in the trade) to seasoned techs with over five years in the trade all trying to assess one thing: whether or not the Fundamentals course is right for them given their knowledge and experience. Obviously, I can't speak to your knowledge or experience because it's not something that I have any f

Is it worth fixing a 20-year old Kenmore (Whirlpool) direct drive washer that won’t spin or pump out?

Paul wrote: Click the play button below to listen to Samurai's reply right here on the Web! (If the audio player below doesn't show up in your browser because you're on an iPad, iPhone or really, really old browser, you can listen to it at this link ==> http://cinch.fm/fixitnowsamurai/401647 ) <embed src="http://cinch.fm/cinchplayerext.swf" flashvars="file=http:%2f%2fcinch.fm%2fcinchplaylist.aspx%3FRecordingID%3D401647&playermode=text&autostart=false&bufferlength=5&volume=8

Interview with The Appliance Guru in New London, New Hampshire

The Appliance Guru offers expert appliance repair service in New London, New Hampshire, and surrounding towns.  Listen to this short interview with The Appliance Guru to learn how he can solve all your appliance repair problems!   <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F45285744&show_artwork=true"></iframe>

Installing the foamed-in-place refrigerator door gaskets used on some Whirlpool and Kitchenaid models: A War Story

Brother Willie shares his battle-scarred experience with replacing these types of refrigerator door gaskets. To summarize in a word: DON'T. Or, if you must because you're a professional Appliantologist, make sure you charge a lot for the job. But Brothers PDuff and JJ Surfer offer these consoling words of wisdom: Source: Kitchenaid fridge. KBRC36FKS02. Sporadic temp problems

Ignorance and arrogance: a toxic combination in the appliance repair trade

The techs here at Appliantology and Master Samurai tech really are the exceptional techs in the trade today. The "techs" who comment on videos at YouTube: eh, not so much. Unfortunately, many of the "techs" at YouTube illustrate the biggest problem in the appliance repair trade today: parts changers who know a little and think they know it all.  A comment on this video from a PCM who’s been changing parts for 45 years (ie., 1 year of experience repeated 45 times) reveals much of what’s wron
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