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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to fix a GE PFSS6 or PFSF6 (made by Samsung) that won't make ice or has a noisy ice maker

Look at the blue tag on the bottom of the icemaker. If the date is prior to March 1, 2008, replace the icemaker ==> Icemaker Part Link Now go to the back of the fridge and open the metal cover to the muthaboard cubby and look at the software version to the left of the CPU; if it's less than 4.02, replace the muthaboard ==> Muthaboard Part Link Source: GE Profile refrig Model PFSS6PKXASS--wont make ice and change water filter light on

Troubleshooting a Whirlpool Refrigerator Motorized Damper Assembly

The complaint on this refrigerator was that it's freezing food in the Fresh Food compartment (aka., Beer Compartment). On this particular design, the motorized damper has a been a problem point. One common problem is that the vanes get frozen in place by frost and then break when the damper motor tries to move them. That wasn't the case here. This one took sublime troubleshooting skills to identify the source of the freezing problem. It did involve the damper assembly but only as a secondary eff

"What should my refrigerator controls be set at?"

How many times have you been on a refrigerator service call and the customer asks you, "What should the controls on my refrigerator be set at?" You notice that they do not have any thermometers in their fridge and do a mental face-palm. How do you even begin to explain to this customer that the single most important indicator of a refrigerator's health - and the way you determine where to set the controls - are the temperatures inside the freezer and fresh food compartments? Relax, compadre, cuz

Kenmore HE5t washer with error code F71 and won't run

Common manifestation of this problem: no lights on the control panel and when you press the power button, you just get three or four quick beeps. Do the test on this page. If unplugging the blue harness from the MCU results in the control panel lighting up normally like the machine wants to run (but can't because the blue wire is unplugged from the MCU), then... Source: Kenmore HE5t F71 error code and won't run

Everything you ever wanted to know about those new Evernote enex ZIP files in the Downloads section

You may have noticed the recent files added to the Downloads section of the site have a funny ending not seen here before: Evernote enex ZIP. There's a not very long and maybe less interesting story about these files. I'll also tell you how to use them. Periodically, I run across paper service bulletins (actual paper! I mean who does that?) that are worth storing for later retrieval. A great source of these is the MSA World magazine where they include lots of manufacturer service bulletins in th

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Great News for current Professional Appliantologist members!

Great news: the annual fee for Professional Appliantologist members will never increase as long as you keep your membership active. That last part is very important for reasons I’ll explain below. The annual fee for new Professional Appliantologist members has increased. This does not affect current members as long they do not allow their membership to expire. The annual fee increase is also great news for prospective new members! Huh? Why? Because it means we are still accepting

Things customers say while you're in their home on a service call...

Every day, professional Appliantologists have the unique privilege of going into people's homes on appliance repair service calls. And it really is a privilege... most of the time. We meet all kinds of people and every professional Appliantologist has fond memories of those "special" customers because of some of the things those customers say to brighten our day while we're in their homes and working on their appliance. Here's a slice-of-life collection of some of these memorable pearls from our

Using an Oscilloscope to Understand 120 VAC Split-phase Household Power Supplies

Can you believe there are techs out there who use an o-scope to look at the output from a sound mixer and conclude this is how Line voltage works? The output of a sound mixer is the output of a summing amplifier (Google it). It is an electronically modified signal. To look at this output and assume that Line voltage behaves this way is the height of stupidity. I call it "Idiot with an O-scope syndrome."  Household power supplies in North America use what's called a split-phase system. The t

MST Radio Episode 27: Online Appliance Repair Schools- the good, the bad, and the scams

In this special international episode, the Samurai is in Fiji at Samurai International Headquarters, while Mrs. Samurai is in the Team Samurai New Hampshire pavilion. Although halfway around the globe from each other, Team Samurai comes together through the miracle of the Internet to deliver you this timely and crucial information in this episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio. We compare and contrast three online training options with the Master Samurai Tech Academy.     

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 9

- Samurai and Son of Samurai are off to Dacor training. - Manufacturers focusing on producing higher-profit upscale major appliances and what this means for your service bidness. - Sub-Zero doing a huge expansion in Wisconsin to crank out upscale dishwashers and ranges. What are these manufacturers seeing that you should also be seeing as an appliance repair company? - A recent Samsung warranty debacle shows how there’s a huge need for skilled appliance technicians but the trade is still ate-up

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

What causes SUDs and SD error codes in high-efficiency front-load and top-load washers?

Many important questions have plagued mankind since the dawn of time. Questions such as, "Why am I here?", "Who is God?", and, most importantly, "What causes SUDs and SD error codes in high-efficiency front-load and top-load washers?" Here now to guide us into the truth and understanding of this important epistemological question is Brother Delawaredrew: Source: Suds error sd

New and Improved Download Program for Chief Appliantologists

We’ve had to make some adjustments to our server because our server resources were being pushed to the max. It was getting to the point that it was affecting the stability and performance of the server. And it was affecting Professional Appliantologist users who pay an annual fee to support the site.   When server resources get limited, you can do one of two things: 1. get a bigger server 2. allocate server resources among users   We did the bigger server thing a few years ago and, while it help
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