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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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How to fix hot refrigerator door gaskets

Refrigerator and freezer condenser coil cleaning brush with instructions. (Also works great for dryer lint) ==> http://www.repaircli...303318693/12859 Refrigerator condenser fan motor (and lots of other refrigerator parts, too) ==> http://www.repaircli...rigerator-Parts You can see an interactive diagram showing the locations of various parts in your refrigerator here ==> http://www.repaircli...tor-Repair-Help Another post on this problem that you might like ==> http://fixitnow.com/.

What looks different about this cheap Chinese replacement motor for a Kenmore or Whirlpool dryer compared to the OEM replacement motor?

Buying cheap, generic parts is always false economy and ends up costing you way more in the long run, not just dollars but aggravation, time spent here at this forum when you coulda been squeezin' on your lady-love... just sayin'. Don't waste time and money on cheap, imitation replacement parts-- come git you a real, OEM replacement motor with a one year return policy: Part number: AP3094245 Source: Kenmore electric dryer shuts off

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 17

Special 4th of July episode: - Industry News: Haeir buys GE Appliances; new Wolf induction cooktop; Italian appliance manufacturer, SMEG, gaining market share - Firing your customer; identifying and harpooning "land sharks." Link to article discussed in the vodcast: https://www.groovehq.com/support/how-to-fire-a-bad-customer - Current thinking on responding to negative reviews - Dealing with unreasonable customers - Master Samurai Tech news Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or

“What about hands-on training?”

We get asked this frequently by people who are new to the trade and considering enrolling in the online appliance repair training at the Master Samurai Tech Academy. It makes some sense, as the appliance repair trade involves physical work, and any good repair tech will need to be adept at disassembly, performing electrical measurements, and replacing the parts. But here’s the reality: training is a “brains-on” activity, which then is followed by hands-on practice. You can get thi

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Installing the foamed-in-place refrigerator door gaskets used on some Whirlpool and Kitchenaid models: A War Story

Brother Willie shares his battle-scarred experience with replacing these types of refrigerator door gaskets. To summarize in a word: DON'T. Or, if you must because you're a professional Appliantologist, make sure you charge a lot for the job. But Brothers PDuff and JJ Surfer offer these consoling words of wisdom: Source: Kitchenaid fridge. KBRC36FKS02. Sporadic temp problems

Have you declared your independence from tech myths & tech lines?

"Happy Independence Day" from Team Samurai!    This Independence Day we invite you to declare your independence from the tyranny that enslaves so many techs.  What is this tyranny? Well, it comes in many forms, including: Believing tech myths about circuits and technology, often without even realizing it. Not being able to read a schematic, and so relying on others to give you troubleshooting advice. Listening to parts-changing monkeys (PCMs) give bad t

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

How to manually cycle the GE WR30X10093 icemaker

A useful and handy diagnostic technique when working on an ice maker problem is to manually initiate a harvest cycle to see with the ice maker will or will not do. Here's how to manually cycle the GE WR30X10093 ice maker: If the ice maker won't do the manual harvest, replace it. Here's the replacement you need: http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Ice-Maker-Assembly/WR30X10093/1399596 Source: how do you cycle test the WR30X10093 icemaker

Troubleshooting a Bosch Dishwasher No Heat Problem Using the Schematic and Live Tests

In this video for Professional Appliantologist members and Master Samurai Tech Academy students, I show you how to troubleshoot a Bosch dishwasher no-heat problem. No heat problems can manifest in a variety of ways: really long cycle times, a "1" shown on the display at the end of the cycle, or as an error code. Some models will show an error code readout, others may just show the error code as a flashing light. Whichever way, you need to troubleshoot the heating circuit. As with all electr

Another killa podcast: Untangling the Samurai's Websites

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai for another action-packed, adrenaline-gushing episode of their award-winning podcast as they talk you through the Samurai Suite of DIY appliance repair websites and explain why they are the way they are. Listen here ==> http://fixitnow.com/wp/2012/03/31/another-killa-podcast-untangling-the-samurais-websites/

Entering Program Mode and Running the Test Program in a Bosch Dishwasher

This short little video shows you how to enter program mode in Bosch SHE SHU model dishwashers. You'll want to enter program mode to retrieve error codes, which can help inform your troubleshooting strategy. You can also run the test program, which is helpful in diagnosing individual loads in the dishwasher.  One of the many benefits of Professional Appliantologist membership at Appliantology is hi-speed, unlimited service manuals and tech sheet downloads at Appliantology.org. Included with

Screencast reply to a comment on our podcast episode, "Why do all new dishwashers suck?"

Rtnoww posted a long, rambling and erroneous comment to our podcast episode, "Why do all new dishwasher suck?" He claims that we are incorrect in saying that one of the purposes of rinse aid is to help dishwasher dry the dishes. In this short screencast, we show Rtnoww with Whirlpool's own technical training documentation why we are correct and how he is just plain out to lunch on this issue. Here's the link to the original podcast post page ==> http://fixitnow.com/wp/2012/03/29/why-do-all
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