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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Using the Schematic to Troubleshoot a No-Op Problem in a Whirlpool Alpha Platform Front Load Washer

Using a Whirlpool Alpha Platform WFW94HEXW0 front load washer as an example, we're going to use the schematic and that gray muck swirling betwixt our ears to troubleshoot a no run situation in this washer. The scenario is that the display panel lights up, you hear the door lock go THUNK! and lock the door but then... nuttin'.  Learn how to troubleshoot using schematic analysis like a real appliance technician at Master Samurai Tech.  

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 5

In this killa-manilla episode of the Master Samurai Tech Radio podcast, the Samurai and Mrs. Samurai reveal the answer to every burning question you’ve ever had about anything!   Okay, okay, well we at least know you’ve been losing sleep over the mysteries of centrifugal switches and what the heck is the difference between NTC and PTC. Oh, yeah, we cover that and much, much more in what can only be called an appliance repair revelation.   Here’s a list of the meaty stuff we carve up and serve in

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Maytag Neptune Dryer with a Split Drum

Customer called with a complaint that her 7-year old Maytag Neptune MDE9700AYW dryer would hum when started then click off. Also said the drum would not turn by hand. What could the problem be? The answer may surprise you! Epilogue: Turns out this is not covered under warranty. The failure occurred right at the seam where the drum was welded together. Total fee to replace this drum, part and labor, is over $400. I recommended that the customer purchase a new Whirlpool dryer with a lint f

Appliantology Newsletter, August 2011: Appliances and Disasters

Appliantology Newsletter, August 2011: Appliances and Disasters 0. Introduction 1. Can I use my appliances during a disaster? 2. Does it hurt my appliances to run them or have them plugged in while the power is blinking on and off? 3. Can running my appliances off a generator damage them? 4. What about water? 5. How do I store food safely while the power is out? 6. Epilogue ### ### ### ### 0. Introduction With Hurricane Irene rampaging up the East Coast and record-breaking earthquakes off

Guided Tour of the Samurai Tech Academy Campus

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man on a personal guided tour of the Samurai Tech Academy campus. I'll show you the answers to common questions that people have when they call or email us: - What courses do you offer? - What kind of things do you teach in the courses? - How much are the courses? - Do you teach how to read schematics? - Do you teach about the new, electronic appliances? - Do you teach how to run an appliance repair business? - Do you have any discounts? - There's so much stuff at t

Using the Gallery Section at the Appliantology Academy

If you are registered here at the Appliantology Academy, you have the ability to create your own album. Share the trials and triumphs of your appliance repair battles. Furthermore, good, annotated appliance repair-related photos can earn you a free Merit Apprenticeship here at the Academy! This screencast is dedicated to Sublime Master Strathy <iframe width=652 height=533 frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/embed?sc=cle0FMgl8&w=650&v=3"></

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 22: How big is the Samurai's ego?

In this special episode, we explore the question of size of the Samurai's ego. Turns out that it's so massive that we needed a whole episode devoted to it. Yes, size does matter!  Also:  - Upcoming ASTI in St. Petersburg - Tech training challenges - Three stumbling blocks to becoming a better tech - What makes Appliantology so great?  - MST Alumnus program   Subscribe to the podcast here.  

Appliantology Newsletter: Home on the Range

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Every day should be a day of thanksgiving

It's interesting how just finding the little things to be thankful for each day can transform our outlook and affect everything about us-- our mood, attitude, memory, even our health. Sometimes, I lose sight of that in my day-to-day struggles and get bogged down in tedious things or things that are not uplifting or beneficial. Or I focus and dwell on things that give me tension or irritation. That's why I'm glad there's a special day just for giving thanks-- it's a reminder that everyday shoul

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Appliance Repair at the Samurai Tech Academy

Things are hopping at the Samurai Tech Academy as we now have a steady stream of students, and quite a few enthusiastic graduates already. Here's a new presentation video for the Samurai Tech Academy that we created for the Sample Course page at the Academy site to introduce the course to prospective students. My two sons, Stephen and Sam, put together the presentation and wrote the script and I'm the big-mouth talking it through. Check it out! This Christmas, give the gift of learning to some

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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