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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

Entries in this blog

Master Samurai Tech Academy Site Upgrade Today - Some Turbulence Expected

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is your Samurai speaking. We're expecting a little turbulence today as we make some adjustments to the Master Samurai Tech Academy website. There may be periods throughout the day where the site either doesn't load at all or may look strange. This, too, shall pass.  For now, I invite you to sit back, relax, and peruse the latest pearls of appliantological wisdom in my blog here at Appliantology.

Another killa podcast: Untangling the Samurai's Websites

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man and Mrs. Samurai for another action-packed, adrenaline-gushing episode of their award-winning podcast as they talk you through the Samurai Suite of DIY appliance repair websites and explain why they are the way they are. Listen here ==> http://fixitnow.com/wp/2012/03/31/another-killa-podcast-untangling-the-samurais-websites/

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 15

Another all-new vodcast episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio! In this killa episode: - Weekly tech training webinars, aka., Office Hours, for MST Academy students and Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology. - Webinar recordings available for both students and PA members. - Open Q&A Office Hours- a great time to ask questions about a schematic or tech sheet that you're having troubles understanding.  - Live Tech Help at Appliantology.org!  Subscri

MST-Appliantology Newsletter, May 23, 2016: HOT Issue!

If you're not getting the MST-Appliantology newsletter, you're missing out on lots of good info on all things appliantological. You can subscribe for free here: http://appliantology.org/announcement/20-newsletter/ We had lots of news in this issue: - Memorial Day 10% tuition discount for any course or course bundle at Master Samurai Tech through the end of the month. - New FREE short course at MST on Internetology - Yes, there is life outside of Facebook! - MST Radio Vodcast Episode 1

Maytag Electric Dryer Motor Stops Running After Start Switch is Released

In this recent Live Dojo appliance troubleshooting workshop, we workshopped a problem with a Maytag dryer where it would start but stop running as soon as the start button was released. We looked at how the motor's start circuit works-- how it's configured before starting and how it changes after the motor is started and running. Finally, we compared this start configuration with the Whirlpool push to start (PTS) relay system.  Become a tech member at Appliantology and join in on

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

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