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Tips for replacing the motor in a Kenmore (Frigidaire) dryer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


I got the new motor in, but the blower fan wheel was clamped on (no wonder it didn't unscrew out!). That wheel is broken too...

FYI anyone getting the blower fan out, you have to remove that panel in the front that goes between the washer and dryer. Then you can get the screws out that can't be reached from above.

The motor clamps have an indent toward one end that you can just push down on with a screw driver until it unhooks... the back one comes out first, then the front one appears after the whole blower housing is removed.

Thanks for the help all..

Source: Kenmore 417.92702200 Dryer/Washer Stacked Motor Vibrates loudly then Thermal Protection Pops

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Also, when reassembling the 2 halfs of the blower housing make sure that the the groove seats completely in the channel all the way around. All the screw holes should line up exactly...if you have to force the screws then ya aint got it right which will result in unwanted vibrations and noises.

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