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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Appliantology Tips & Tricks

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Appliantology is a powerful appliance repair tool, with lots of features that may not be obvious at first glance. If you feel like you're missing out on some of what the site offers, then you'll want to watch these clips from our Tips & Tricks webinar. In just a few minutes, we'll step you through how to use a few of the most commonly missed features of Appliantology. Here are some clips from the Appliantology Tips & Tricks webinar we had on May 5, 2019.


The Homepage

Your path to getting the appliance repair information you need starts at the Appliantology homepage. Whether on device or full size screen, taking a few minutes to get to know what's on the Appliantology homepage will pay off big time! The forums and their descriptions hardly ever change but you need to pay attention to the focus of each forum. The widgets have information that changes more frequently: announcements, new file uploads, and more. The video shows all the goodies to your tingling eyeballs!


Notifications of Replies and more

When someone replies to a topic you posted Appliantology, you'll want to get notified of that reply. You can do this by email and/or onsite notifications. Onsite notifications are awesome!


Use the Search, Lurch! 

Knowing how to effectively search the vast repository of appliance repair wisdom is key to using Appliantology effectively. It's super easy once you know just a couple of tricks!


Frequently Asked Questions have already been answered! 

We've been running Appliantology a long time and know most of the questions users have. So we made a special page that answers your burning questions about using Appliantology!




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