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Spot the Error in this Schematic...

Son of Samurai


Here's a timing chart and a schematic. See if you can spot the problem... (HINT: it's in the motor circuit.)

Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 12.55.41 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 12.54.30 AM.png

Did you see it? If you did, bravo! Your schematic-reading skills are pretty sharp. If not, don't worry -- I'll step you through it.

Like I said, the error in the schematic is in the motor circuit -- specifically the start winding. Like any good tech, I'm going to do a load analysis on that winding to see what's up.

Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 11.44.42 AM.png

Line and neutral both have to go through a few timer contacts before they can reach the start winding, but since we have the timing chart (watch this video if you're not sure how timing charts work), we can tell which of these contacts are supposed to be closed when.

In fact, you can see on the timing chart that there are two different ways to run the start winding. The way I've shown above is for when it's being run in spin, with timer contacts 14 closed. Here's how it looks for agitate with timer contacts 7 closed.

Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 11.45.37 AM.png

It's with this configuration that the error becomes really obvious. For those who are still wondering, I'll circle it.

Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 11.45.37 AM.png

What is that connection doing there? If that were really there in this circuit, it would bypass the start winding and cause a dead short. The only explanation is that it's a mistake by one of Whirlpool's engineers. Otherwise, the washer would just trip the breaker whenever it went into agitate.

Want to read schematics like a pro and catch errors like this before they trip up your troubleshooting? Check out this webinar recording -- available only to premium members.


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