Installations from Hell: What Would You Do?
Picture it.
You're walking into the service call of a long day, but you're feeling good. You've got your tools in hand, you've done all the prediagnosis; you're gonna kill it. The customer lets you in, and while chatting affably he begins leading you to the appliance.
You can't place why, but a dark cloud of foreboding passes over you. You push it aside, but the feeling only grows. He's leading you downstairs now, into the basement. It's dingy down here -- clutter everywhere.
No, you think to yourself. No, why is he reaching for that closet door? Your mouth goes dry. Your palms becomes sweaty, and your bowels are a-quiver as he speaks the words of dread: "You can just clear as much room as you need."
He opens the closet door, and then you see it.
All right, maybe I was being a tad overdramatic. But we appliance techs do run into some, shall we say, sub-optimal installations, don't we?
Here's another of my favorite closet installs, complete with those PITA sliding doors.
And of course, the classic: the elevated stacked laundry that could only have been installed using some bad voodoo.
Or what about the lady who saves space in the house by doing laundry in the crawl space?
Let's not forget those extra-special refrigerator installs, either. I guess the kitchen designer was bargaining on the refrigerator outlasting the customers.
What do you folks do when you encounter impossible installations like these? Add a big surcharge to the price of the job? Politely decline the job and walk out? Let me know in the comments.
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