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GE Washer WPRB9220C0WW Giving E43 Failure Code

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


The failure code indicates excessive brake time. The problem will either be in the speed sensor or in the transmission / brake assembly. It's easy to test the sensor to determine whether or not it's good, here's the procedure:

Speed sensor input is also used by the electronic control board to calculate brake stop time. If, within a

1-year period (400 washes), the control board detects 3 stop times in excess of 25 seconds, the control

will determine that a catastrophic brake failure has occurred. The unit will immediately be disabled and

will display error code E43 on the Digital Seven Segment Display (DSSD). The unit will power up, but

no cycle selection will be available. The unit will remain disabled until the error code is reset using

service mode.

To test the speed sensor:

1. Place the unit in service mode and index to the Spin Fast Test.

2. Press the START pad and monitor the DSSD.

An rpm displayed on the DSSD indicates an operating speed sensor. No rpm displayed on the DSSD indicates a faulty speed sensor or faulty wiring.

When replacing the transmission, the speed sensor and magnets must be transferred to the replacement transmission.

GE 31-9095

Source: GE Washer WPRB9220C0WW Giving E43 Failure Code


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