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Appliance Repair Tech Tips

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[Full Webinar Recording] Learn How to Build a Tech From Scratch

What do you do when you need to grow your team of appliance techs in order to meet the demand for service calls, but you can't find any job candidates with experience? This is the reality for thousands of companies across the country, since very few quality techs with experience are on the job market. You're in luck: with the training options available today, you can build a tech! Hire based on character and aptitude, then add training and some experience, and you'll have an independent appliance tech in a matter of months.

In this webinar recording, we discuss the hiring and the training process that many successful companies have used to grow their crew of techs so that they can meet their customer's needs. Although building a tech takes a little time, the end result is often more desirable because you can build good habits and conform them to your system early on.

You'll come away with a lot of tips and ideas that you can begin to implement right away to grow your team of service techs. Bonus: if you have current techs who could use some improvement, we discuss how to do that as well!

Now that you know how, want to build your own tech? Click here to get them started with the Core Appliance Repair Training course over at the Master Samurai Tech Academy.

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