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[Video] How to Make a Proper Voltage Measurement and the Importance of LoZ

Son of Samurai


We drop a lot of pearls of wisdom in our live technical training webinars, and I wanted to make one particular pearl available to all. In this short excerpt from one of our many webinar recordings, we cover what you need to know about electricity and voltage in order to make a meaningful and useful voltage measurement -- all in the context of a real troubleshooting scenario.

Topics covered include:

  • What is voltage?
  • How do you choose a voltage reference?
  • What is LoZ?
  • ...and more!

Watch the clip below and step up your repair game!

Want to watch the full webinar recording and see what the solution to this problem turned out to be? Click below -- viewable only by premium members.

Screenshot 2021-05-05 211059.png

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