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The Inside Scoop on Dacor Installation Issues and Steam Cooking

Manufacturers do sometimes help us techs out -- Samsung has been putting on training sessions pretty regularly both for their own models, and for Dacor-branded models as well (Samsung acquired Dacor a few years back, for those who don't know). While a lot of how we troubleshoot is by understanding the principles that are common to all appliances, you always need a bit of info specific to the appliance you're working on. In particular, information about the exact implementation of the  technology in a particular appliance.

And that's exactly the stuff that gets covered in these training sessions. It's the kind of info that should be available to any tech who works on one of these appliances, not just the authorized servicers who are invited to these training sessions. And so I've taken some careful notes and gotten the slides from these training sessions to share with all of you here at Appliantology.

These training sessions included:

  • Identifying and handling common installation issues across many different models
  • Understanding how steam cooking works
  • Troubleshooting the systems unique to steam cooking
  • ...and more!

We've got notes and the slides from these training so that you can stay on your game-- take a look! Viewable by any tech member here at Appliantology.

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