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Have you declared your independence from tech myths & tech lines?

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


"Happy Independence Day" from Team Samurai! 



This Independence Day we invite you to declare your independence from the tyranny that enslaves so many techs. 

What is this tyranny? Well, it comes in many forms, including:

  • Believing tech myths about circuits and technology, often without even realizing it.
  • Not being able to read a schematic, and so relying on others to give you troubleshooting advice.
  • Listening to parts-changing monkeys (PCMs) give bad troubleshooting tips on Fakebook groups.
  • And relying on tech line when you come up against a problem you can't diagnose yourself.

A lot of techs fall prey to these forces.

But this being the 4th of July weekend, we at Master Samurai Tech want to send out a rallying cry to you techs out there. (Even those of you outside of the US - this is a freedom movement for techs of all nations.)

This weekend, we celebrate our American forefathers fighting for their freedom from the British. The Patriots fought so they could be free, so they could stand on their own two feet.

If the American colonists could be free from tyranny, why not you?

To truly be a free and independent appliance tech, you need to build the skills of a master. And unlike your forebears, you have access to master-level training wherever you can connect to the internet and take the online courses at the Master Samurai Tech Academy. Learn all the fundamental technologies that power modern appliances as well as the troubleshooting strategies that will set you apart from the PCMs in the trade.

Free yourself from dependence on tech myths and unreliable tech lines. Enroll at MST today and declare your independence from the tyranny of PCM ignorance. 

God bless America and have a happy 4th of July!


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