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How to Troubleshoot Samsung with No Sweat

Son of Samurai


Long gone are the days when we techs had any excuse to be scared by names like LG or Samsung. Through information tools like Appliantology, we have access to all the technical docs we need to service these models. And anyone who has spent time examining the schematics and service manuals for Samsung appliances knows that there's nothing weird or proprietary going on here -- maybe a bit of Korenglish here and there, but how electricity works and the fundamental technology used in all appliances is the same whether you're in the US or Korea.

This is exactly what we're going to show in this excerpt from one of our many full-length, on-demand technical training webinar recordings.  If you can master reading schematics, identifying LOIs, and analyzing circuits, you'll be able to handle anything a Samsung throws at you -- no sweat.

Want to watch the full webinar recording and see how the rest of this troubleshoot pans out? Click below -- viewable only by premium tech members.

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