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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Run Your Service Calls

Son of Samurai


The technical side of the service call is generally what gets the spotlight, but what you do before, after, and during the call is just as important to your profitability -- and I'm not just talking about soft skills. The way you organize your thought process and go about your troubleshoot is vital to service call success. And that's exactly what we talk about in this short excerpt from one of our many technical training webinar recordings.

Topics covered include:

  • How to run a service call with no head-scratching and no tech line.
  • What is prediagnosis?
  • How to get useful information from the customer.
  • The one special step you should always take for refrigerator service calls...

Want to learn our tips and tricks for how to run the rest of your service call? Click below to watch the full webinar recording -- viewable only by premium members.

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