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Appliance Repair Tech Tips

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Maytag Dryer with a Missing Neutral: Will It Still Run?

It's always the old-skool style circuits that have the most interesting electrical issues, isn't it?

In this workshop, we took a look at just one such machine. A missing neutral in the power supply doesn't have the effect that you would necessarily expect. For example, in this dryer, the timer motor runs on 240 VAC, but the drive motor runs on 120 VAC power. With a missing Neutral, the drive motor won't run, but the timer motor will. We go all into that, as well as the kind of troubleshooting mojo you need to uncork in order to recognize and solve this kind of problem. 

This is just an excerpt from the great discussion at an Appliantology Live Dojo on 8/19/2023, which premium Appliantology tech members can watch right now.



If you're an Appliantology tech member and you want to join in the fun, sign up for the next Live Dojo. And there will be more after that, every other Saturday. Keep an eye on the Appliantology calendar and sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out.

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