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Microwave Madness and Meter Category Demystification Double Feature

This microwave will run with the door open -- lucky for the customer, it also doesn't heat. But why is the turntable able to run with the door open? What do you do when a circuit doesn't work at all the way it's supposed to?

That's exactly what we discussed in our latest Live Dojo workshop. 

Topics covered include:

  • Microwave door interlock switches
  • Turntable motor circuit analysis
  • Control board algorithms and relays
  • Theorizing a reasonable failure scenario for multiple failures

..and more!

Click below to watch this workshop -- viewable only by premium tech members.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 121023.png

Not enough for you? Well there's more!

Ever wondered what CAT II or CAT III on your meter and leads means? Is this important to know, and how does it affect which meter you should choose? The second half of our Live Dojo discussion has you covered:

Screenshot 2024-01-10 124606.png

If you're an Appliantology tech member and you want to join in engaging technical discussion like this, sign up for the upcoming Live Dojo -- we host one every other Saturday. Keep an eye on the Appliantology calendar and sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out.

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