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Detailed Washer Timer Chart Breakdown and Cooktop Light Weirdness

Reading timer charts may just seem like an old-skool skill for a bygone era of appliances, but there are still plenty of these old workhorses around that need troubleshooting. Plus, analyzing these circuits teaches you a lot of schematic mojo that is useful in all areas of appliance repair.

In our latest Live Dojo workshop, we worked through how to read this timer chart and schematic in harmony with each other. You can't understand the schematic without the timer chart, and vice versa. Topics covered include:

  • Reading the timer chart and schematic together
  • Identifying timer contacts
  • Tracing internal timer circuits
  • ...and more!

Click below to watch this workshop -- viewable only by premium tech members.

Screenshot 2024-02-13 165546.png

Not enough for you? Well we've got a short, sweet little part two for you!

In that same Live Dojo, we also looked at a microwave cooktop light that was staying on all the time. We explore a simple but interesting aspect of the circuit: the use of a diode to create a dimmer setting for the light. How does that work? Watch and find out!

Screenshot 2024-02-13 165528.png

If you're an Appliantology tech member and you want to join in engaging technical discussion like this, sign up for the upcoming Live Dojo -- we host one every other Saturday. Keep an eye on the Appliantology calendar and sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out.

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