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How to reverse the door on a Maytag Neptune washer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Directions for reversing the washer door:

1. Swing door fully open and support it while removing four hinge screws (which hold hinges to door assembly).

2. Set door aside and transfer four color matched door screws to the opposite side of the door assembly.

3. Remove one screw holding top hinge to cabinet and one screw holding top hinge cover to cabinet (opposite side).

4. Remove hinge and bracket from cabinet by moving them up and down to a position where they are released.

5. Install hinge and bracket in swapped locations and drive screws to attach them securely to the cabinet.

6. Compare top hinge and top bracket to bottom hinge and bottom bracket for correct assembly position.

7. Repeat procedures 4 through 6 for bottom hinge to cabinet and bottom bracket to cabinet.

8. Support door in fully open position on hinge side and drive four screws to secure attach hinges to door assembly.

9. Close door and check to see that clothes washer operates properly.

Source: Maytag SuperStack stacked washer/dryer (MLG2000AWW)


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