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How to turn off demo mode in an Electrolux dryer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Demo Mode

In the manual it says to press and hold the temperature and dryness buttons for 5 seconds.

This did not work.

To deactivate the demo mode:

Turn cycle knob to last cycle on right.

Press start to save cycle position.

Press cancel to turn machine off.

Within 10 seconds, wake unit by pressing start once,

immediately press and hold cancel and the right-most button NOT INCLUDING the up-down menu button,

together for a minimum 6 seconds.


Turn the selector knob to TIME DRY, press START then CANCEL.

Wake the dryer up by pressing any button then IMMEDIATELY AND SIMULTANEOUSLY,

press and hold the CANCEL and CTRL LOCK buttons for five seconds


You need to go to the "set prefs" on the control then go to the "RESET" option.

press select for reset and the machine will reset.

The "install cycle" will be displayed, just push cancel and our washer should operate properly.


To return to the factory default settings, select RESET

in set preis under the options scroll butlons.


1. Turn cycle selector knob to any position other than "my favorites".

2. Press the "up arrow" button until set prefs" appears.

3. Press the "select" button.

4. Press the "up arrow" button until reset appears.

5. Press the "select" button.

6. Press the menu button under "all settings"

Source: ElectroSUX Dryer in Demo Mode


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