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How to fix a Maytag bottom-mount refrigerator that's freezing food in the beer compartment

Symptom - fridge section too cold, food freezes and unable to adjust temperature to warmer temperature

Cause - small spring within damper control unit disconnected causing damper flap to be open all the time, causing too much cold air to flowninto from freezer section into fridge section.

Fix - reconnected small spring that holds the damper flap up within damper control unit (Maytag Part No. 67001041 Control, Damper).


1. obtain copy of service manual for 19, 20 and 22 cubic foot bottom-mount Amana and Maytag refrigerators, which shows disassembly procedure;

2. obtain copy of part schematic for Maytag PBB1951GRB;

3. remove all top shelf from inside fridge for adequate working room and unplug the fridge (to prevent electrical shock);

4. take your time removing the light shield, damper control cover, foam insert, belt tensioner, belt and knob, and damper control unit and don't force anything;

5. mark the belt and cog on top of the damper control unit for alignment before taking them off;

6. when removing damper control unit, take care not to drop or lose that little spring;

7. reset freezer and refrigerator temperature settings back to 4 each;

8. after reassembly and plugging the refrigerator back in, allow a few hours before adjusting temperature control settings up/down one setting at each adjustment until desired temperatures reached;

9. use a fridge thermometer in both freezer and refrigerator sections to check temperature levels while adjusting.

Source: Maytag Refrigerator PBB1951GRB Bottom-Mount


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