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How to troubleshoot an F28 error code in a Whirlpool Duet Sport washer

OK ... going by memory here.

- First ohm out your motor. You should have approx 6 ohms between 1-2,1-3 and 2-3. You should also get 120 ohms on 5-6 which is the tach on the motor. If that is good ...

- Open up the little flap on the MCU board. Start a regular wash cycle and check for voltages at the MCU. On the pink wires you should get 120v. (With the wires connected to the MCU - don't disconnect them to check the voltage.) On the connector with the little blue wires - you should have 5 vDC.

- If you are getting the correct voltages at the MCU and the motor ohms out good, then you have a bad MCU.

- If you are not getting those readings at the MCU, then check continuity on the blue wires and the 2 pink wires from the CCU to the MCU.

- If you have continuity on all wires and the connections look good, then you have a bad CCU.

Part links ==> MCU, CCU

Source: whirlpool duet wfw9200sq00

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When the lower front panel is removed, a switch on the left extends its pin. It's the ground interlock for the motor. When extended, the motor body is grounded to the cabinet. When the switch is pressed (panel installed), the motor is not grounded, to reduce EMI, but the motor becomes a shock hazard, if touched. Testing a Duet with the panel off may produce EMI to the CCU and throw an F28, but will work fine with the panel installed.

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