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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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How to diagnose a Maytag Atlantis washer that won't spin or agitate

if the machine fills to the set level and the motor is running

to agitate check underneath and see if the large center transmission

pulley is turning. If it is and the agitator isn't going back and forth then

you have a bad transmission...time to buy another machine.

If the large pulley isnt turning but the motor is running then the belt is slipping on the motor pulley.

Those plastic motor pulley go bad and melt as you described and may be your problem, and if so,

you can't buy the "exact" replacement pulley w/o buying the motor...but, the is another belt and

pulley combination that can be used if you find that this is your problem.

Let us know.

Source: re: Maytag MAV 5000AWW


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