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How to replace the water tank and tubing in a GE Arctica Refrigerator

Merit Apprentice toy4x4 shares his combat tips for emerging victorious from this repair:

Having found the thread on this topic in the archived forum, I wanted to reply but could not. Here is the original thread


I had the same problem as discussed in the above thread, however I went down the path of replacing the actual tank and tubing. I would have gone the route of just splicing on a new tube but I ordered the tank with tubing. I searched around town for 5/16" polyethelyne tubing and 5/16" quick couplers and most places thought I was nuts using that size. For this reason I went ahead and ordered the tank and tubing thinking I would just replace the tank anyway because it had been years since the water in the tank had been circulated due to me just shutting off the ice and water. Stupid firdge messed up my wood floor twice with leaks. I recently figured out my issue in the house was a bad water pressure regulator, so I fixed it and decided to give the ice and water a shot again.

So to actually replace the tank and tubing, it is fairly simple. Below are the steps I took (+/1 one or two). Keep in mind I also had to replace the valve assembly so you should assume the it is out of the fridge and the 4 water tubes in the back are just hanging there. I also re-ordered my steps to the logical order so you can do it the "right' way

0. turn of your water line. Mine had been off for years...

1. Remove the front kick plate/vent cover at the bottom of the fridge. This is the black plastic cover.

2. Behind the cover, you will see a long 5/16" hose. Find the quick coupler that splices the long tank hose to the hose that goes into the door.

3. Press in the white collar and pull the hose out.

4. Remove the bottom three drawers in the fridge along with their "shelf"

5. The cover that goes over the top of the water tank you simple push up in the middle to remove it.

6. Remove the two screws from the tank

7. Pull the two hoses out through the rubber grommet

8. Take the tank and hoses outside and cut them up with a chop saw for fun

9. Insert the long and short hoses from the new tank through the grommet. You may have to work behind the fridge to help then go through

10 route the long hose back up to the front and push it into the quick disconnect.

11. Re-install the cover over the top of the tank

12. put the drawers back in

13. Install the valve assembly and tubing int the back

14. Enjoy water and ice again. (takes awhile to fill the tank up)

This really only took me 15-30 minutes. It's that simple.

Part link for the water tank ==> Water Tank Assembly

Source: Replace Water Tank and tubing - GE Artica PSI23SGMD - Part 2


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