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Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore washer leaving clothes sopping wet at the end of the cycle

So your Whirlpool Duet Sport or (Kenmore equivalent) washer is leaving your clothes sopping wet at the end of the wash cycle? It seems to be tumbling the clothes okay and it pumps the water out but it never kicks into high speed spin. Sublime Master tronicsmasta has some inside scoop on the fix:

We have gotten tons of complains about it. The recommended fix by Whirlpool is replace the MCU if everything else checks ok.

Check These:

Drain hose not siphoning back into washer,

Inlet Valve for dripping overnight,



Level Unit,

Sorting of Clothing (bad sorting = jeans with t-shirts),

Load Size (About 2/3 full max),

HE detergent only (Tide, Gain, Cheer)

Part link ==> Motor Control Unit

Source: Whirlpool duet washer WFW9750WW01


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