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How to test the motor in a Whirlpool Duet Sport - Kenmore HE2 Plus front load washer

If your front load washer isn't spinning or tumbling the drum, the three big components to test are the door latch assembly, the motor control board, and the motor. Usually details for these tests are given in the tech sheet inside the washer. Here are some tips from Sublime Master Willie for testing the motor using an ohm meter:

When checking the tacho coil in the motor make sure you have your meter on a high enough ohms setting to read. You need at least one step up on the range on your meter than what you used to test the motor phase windings.

Phase windings you are looking for 6 ohms, the tacho coil is going to be 115 - 120 ohms so if you had you meter on a continuity check that usually only reads up to around 45 - 60 ohms, need to step up to a 200 ohm or higher setting or auto range on your meter.

Source: Kenmore HE2 Plus, mod# 110.47511701. Won't agitate or spin


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