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How to test the auto load sensing switch in a Whirlpool/Kenmore 800 top loading washer

If you have the misfortune of owning one of these machines that takes away your ability to control water level (because supposedly it figures it out for you) then you need to know that you're not in Kansas anymore! These machines use an auto load sensing switch that's supposed to fill the tub with just the right amount of water based on how full it's loaded with clothes. Sounds great, right? Yeah, except it sucks.

If your washer starts agitating right away when you start it, then you may have a bad auto load sensing switch. Grand Master appl.tech.29501 enlightens us on how to test it:

You can test it by removing the 2 connectors from the load sensing switch

and then turn the machine on in the fill or wash cycle....no agitation = bad load sensing switch.

If the machine still immediately agitates with the wires disconnected from the load sensing

switch the you have a bad timer....also another problematic part with this washer.

If your feeling really lucky..I've had 2 cases when both parts are bad.....

Part link for the auto load sensing switch ==> http://www.repaircli...umber=W10177795

Source: Kenmore 800 (110.298222801)


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