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Some tips on diagnosing the door latch assembly on a Frigidaire Gallery frontload washer that won't do high speed spin

For any frontload washer that won't go into high speed spin (but does tumble), the top three things to check are:

1. Drum pump out. No pumpy, no spinny. If the drum is not pumping all the water out before spin begins, the imbalance and/or hall effect sensors sensors in the machine will prevent it from going into high speed spin. Incomplete or no pump-out conditions are caused by a problem with the drainage system: drain pump bad or gunked up with gookus, drain hose clogged, suction boot clogged, drain pump not getting voltage.

2. Motor control board. The motor is a phase-modulated motor that is controlled by an inverter board called variously the, "motor control board" or "speed control board." This board exists for the sole purpose of controlling the motor to make it spin CM or CCW during tumble and to kick it into high gear during high speed spin.

3. Door latch assembly. On all frontloaders, the door must be locked and the control board must sense that the door is locked before it will enable spin mode. Appliantology Academy Fellow Willie gives us some handy tips for checking out the door latch assembly on the Frigidaire/Electrolux washers:

In the diagnostic cycle the door is only locked when the machine is actually spinning. If you unplug the machine you can open the door immediately with the basket still spinning. The diagnostic cycle doesn't check for the positive lock of the door with the wax motor like the actual operating cycles do. That is why it will spin in the diagnostic cycle but not in a normal mode of operation.

If it doesn't spin in a normal cycle but does do the high speed spin in the diagnostic cycle it is a bad wax motor in the door latch/lock assembly. I've never seen it not to be the case.

Part link for the door latch assembly ==> http://www.repaircli...R=154&N=1531974

Source: Frigidaire Gallery Series Frontload Washer GLTF2940FE1 - Won't enter high speed spin


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