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How to adjust the water fill amount in a Samsung refrigerator ice maker

Grand Master Funk kdog calls out the keyboard dance steps for this adjustment:

It's kind of complicated to make the adjustment, only 2 ice levels are available - 85cc fill and 95cc fill, Initially the unit comes set for the 85cc fill and would have needed to be increased to be on the high setting.

Press and hold "Freezer" button and "Power cool" (the middle button on left, and upper on right) - hold them simultaneously for 12 seconds, and the control will enter an adjustment mode. The displays on the left side will show a code, and the display on the right will show a reference or adjustment segment. You want the number on the right to display "2" (one of the r/h keys will cause the number to change), once it shows "2" - the work the l/h keys to make the left display number show "0". Once you have these numbers displayed, do not input anymore and 20 or 30 seconds later, the control will store the setting and go back to normal display mode.

Source: Samsung refrigerator rf265aabp ice maker adjustment


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Thanks, I needed that.



Well, THAT'S interesting! Maybe I just never paid attention to ice size and it's OK after all. But, just for fun, I changed it to the Number 2 (you should excuse the expression!) setting and will see how that impacts cube size. Thanks!

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