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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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How to fix a Maytag Neptune washer that leaks from the detergent dispenser

Academy Fellow Willie shares this pearl from the battle zone with us:

Shine a bright light under the main wash tub, then look inside and you will most likely see something, (like a small kids sock), stuck between the basket and the outer tub right where the inlet tube that you have circled in yellow enters the tub.

This appears to be the Maytag version of the Whirlpool Duet sport, I've had this exact same problem on two different Duet Sport washer and found the offending object stuck at that point and have been able to retrieve it by pulling the boot back and using a long skinny screwdriver to reach between spin basket and tub to remove object.

Source: Maytag Neptune MAH6700AWW LEAKING


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